口服,一次1片,一日2次,早晨服用1片淡橙色片,晚间服1片红棕色色片。By mouth.One tablet twice daily.Take on paleorange tablet in the morning and on brownish red tablet in the evening.
吉姆本学期在学院学习非常努力,终于第一次被列入优秀学生名单。Jim studied very hard this semester in college and he finally broke through onto the Dean's list for the first time.
当然,依你的病情来看,我建议你这种药1天3次,1次1片。止咳糖浆每两小时喝两汤匙。Sure,as in your case,I'd like you to take one of these pills three times a day and 2 tablespoons of cough syrup should be taken every two hours.
自从我1980年第一次来这儿之后情况已发生了很大变化。A lot of water has passed under the bridge since I first came here in1980.
每两到四个小时慢慢地灌输一次1%的葡萄糖酸钙水溶液,持续到接下来的两到三天。Instillaqueous calcium gluconate 1%25solution every two to four hours for the next two to three days.
这是我第一次在公共场合发言。It is the first time that I speak in public.
第一次世界大战first world war
第一次见面我就讨厌他了。I took against him at first sight.
第一次世界大战前最後几年中的那个英国社会是再也无法挽回了。The England of the last few years before world war I went beyond recall.
我第一次作了单人飞行。I made my first solo flight.
我们正等待着第一次农作物的成熟。We are waiting for the first crops to ripen.
这是我们第一次看到海洋。It was our first view of the ocean.
这是我第一次到这里,我一直盼望着来。It's my first time bere and I've been looking forward to it.
今天下午新市长作了第一次演讲。The new mayor delivered his virgin speech this afternoon.
这是我第一次尝试做饭菜。This is my first crack at cooking.
那是我第一次预测天气。That was my baptism into weather wisdom.
如果我没记错的话,我们第一次相遇是在纽约。We first met in New York, if my memory serves me.
第一次first第一first口服,一次1片,一日2次,早晨服用1片淡橙色片,晚间服1片红棕色色片。By mouth.One tablet twice daily.Take on paleorange tablet in the morning and on brownish red tablet in the evening.吉姆本学期在学院学