免费free (of charge)
我妻子和小孩都好,近来一家人都咳嗽,现在已经好了。My wife and children are all well. We were all coughing lately but now every one is recovered.
司机停下来让一个人免费搭车。The driver stopped to pick up a hitch-hiker.
杨同志一家人是我在农村的朋友。上个月我请了他们来家里作客。Comrade Yang and his family are my peasant friends. I had them up last month.
这项服务对投保人免费。This service is free to policy holders.
在父亲找到一份好工作之前,我们一家人有五年多都在奔波,四处迁移。Our family was on the move for five year until dad found a good job.
你给人免费订阅季刊.Give people a free subscription to your newsletter.
向每个人免费提供英语词汇表。Provide English vocabulary to everyone for free.
要不是因为在路上坏了一只车胎他们一家人是会准时赶到的。The family would have arrived on time, but they met up with a flat tire.
假如你看见一个医生离开一家人家,你就可以推想那家里有人病了。If you saw a doctor left a house, you may deduce the fact that someone in the house be ill.
医疗队下乡给很多贫苦的人免费治病。The medical team went to the countryside to treat diseases for free for many poor people.
象一家人一样in a family way
假如你让我们三个人免费进去玩一会的话。If you let us come in for free.
一方面你接受他的礼物,另一方面你对他们一家人粗暴无礼,你对他们究竟抱什么态度?On the one hand you accept his presents; on the other hand, you are rude to the whole family. What really is your attitude to them?
Warez-上传到网路上让其它人免费下载的完全版软件。Warez - Full version software that is uploaded to the internet and is available for free download.
琼斯一家人都得听从母亲的。The Jones family is under the thumb of the mother.
到今日,在柬埔寨,感染了艾滋病病毒的人中大约百分之八的人免费得到了救命药。Today about eighty percent of all people infected with H. I.V. In Cambodiareceive life-saving drugs for free.
免费free (of charge)我妻子和小孩都好,近来一家人都咳嗽,现在已经好了。My wife and children are all well. We were all coughing lately but now every one is recovered.幸福happiness司机停下来让一个人免费搭车。The driver stop