
从自恋到畸镜之恋--拉康镜像理论解读From Narcissism to Love of Abnormal Mirror--Reading Lacan's Mirror Image暗恋unrequited love; fall in love with someone secretly之後afterwards自恋narcissism不足之处limitations不伦之恋

  • 从自恋到畸镜之恋--拉康镜像理论解读From Narcissism to Love of Abnormal Mirror--Reading Lacan's Mirror Image

  • 暗恋unrequited love; fall in love with someone secretly

  • 之後afterwards

  • 自恋narcissism

  • 不足之处limitations

  • 不伦之恋:《无名的裘德》的叙事母题探析Incestuous Love: Exploration of Narrrative Motif of Jude the Obscure

  • 恋童癖pedophilia

  • 随之thereupon; therewith

  • 双性恋bisexual love

  • 之处part; point

  • 之行trip

  • 网恋online love affair

  • 早恋puppy love

  • 不便之处discomfort

  • 自恋的narcissistic

  • 之子Clouet

  • 单恋carry a torch

  • 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.

  • 世界之窗Window on the World

  • 异性恋heterosexuality

