
满眼怒火的爱伦鄙视地质问他,向有礼有德的人说这种话,他到底是什么意思。With blazing and scornful eyes she fairly withered him by demanding whatever he meant by speaking to respectable people that way.满眼怒火的爱伦鄙视地

  • 满眼怒火的爱伦鄙视地质问他,向有礼有德的人说这种话,他到底是什么意思。With blazing and scornful eyes she fairly withered him by demanding whatever he meant by speaking to respectable people that way.

  • 满眼怒火的爱伦鄙视地质问他,向有礼有德的人说这种话,他到底是什么意思,这番话浇退了他的热情,也挫败了他的勇气。With blazing and scornful eyes she fairly withered him by demanding whatever he meant by speaking to respectable people that way.

  • 原始的original

  • 最初的,首先的在时间、次序或顺序上是第一或较早的;原始的First or early in time, order, or sequence; original.

  • 原始的爱只是一种基于性吸引的冲动。Love is based on sexual attraction originally.

  • 他紧张地一笑,问我是什么意思。He laughed nervously and asked me what I meant.

  • 我和你在深深的爱中。你的爱是我力量和生命中喜乐的源泉。I am deeply in LOVE with YOU. YOUR love is my source of strength and JOY in life.

  • 这是什么意思?What's the meaning of this?

  • 我爱我的家庭。我可以为他们去死,但我对观众的爱也是一样的。I love my family immensely. I can die for them. But I love the audience equally.

  • 它们分别是什么意思?What do they mean respectively?

  • 你像个疯子似地大叫,是什么意思?What do you mean shouting like a madman?

  • 终于理解到她那无边的爱和这悲惨的婚约给她带来的是什么with a final realization of the immensity of her love and the piteous plight it had brought upon her

  • 他取消演出是什么意思?What does he mean by cancelling his performance?

  • 别旁敲侧击,简单明了地对我们说一说到底是什么意思!Don't beat about the bush so much, tell us plainly what you are driving it.

  • 你这样做是什么意思?What do you mean by acting like this?

  • 这个单词是什么意思?What does this word mean?

  • 你说钱不够是什么意思?What do you mean this is not enough?

  • 你在书中说人工智能和机器人技术缺少很重要的东西,这是什么意思?What do you mean when you say in your book that there's something vital missing from AI and robotics?

  • "最友善的方式"是什么意思?What do you mean by "the most friendly"?

  • 参谋部那些汽车是什么意思?What about all those staff cars?

