
但人与人的竞争不像生物学中所看到的过程那么简单。But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology.身势语言学研究的是人与人之间究竟应保持怎样的距离。Proxemics is the study of what gove

  • 但人与人的竞争不像生物学中所看到的过程那么简单。But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology.

  • 身势语言学研究的是人与人之间究竟应保持怎样的距离。Proxemics is the study of what governs how closely one person stands to another.

  • 他已发清全船船员的薪水。He has paid off the crew of the ship .

  • 说话是人与人之间交流最快捷的方法。Speech is the fastest method of communication between people.

  • 但多数人认为蓝光影碟机在竞争中胜过了高清影碟机。But many people think Blu-ray has won the competition with HD DVD.

  • 高坝岩石工程中全过程模拟与广角度分析的数值方法Numerical Methods of Whole Process Simulation and wide Angle Analysis in High Dam Rock Engineering

  • 人与人之间的住居距离感到底有多远?What is the Interpersonal Distance On Earth?

  • 而且学生应采取主动保持这种"奔腾"芯片所没有的功能,即人与人的联系。Also,students should take initiative to maintain such ties to beings that function sans Pentium chip.

  • (通常用于复数)相互交易或人与人之间的联系。(usually plural) mutual dealings or connections among persons or groups.

  • 但是,人与人的竞争并不像生物学中想像的那样是一个简单过程。Envisioned in biology But the competition of man against man is not the simple process envisioned in biology.

  • 宗教和道德同样都主张谦让和卑逊。这不只限于人与人之间的关系,也包括国与国之间的关系。Religion and virtue alike lend their sanctions to meekness and humility, not only between men but between nations

  • 浅评清季岭南名人曾习经的为人与做诗On What Kind Of Person He Is And His Poems Of Zeng Xi-jing, Famous Personof Qing-Dynasty In The South Of The Five Ridges

  • 人与人之间,性别的模糊化,情感的无法划分定位,造就了她他们漂浮的缺乏节制的游离状态。Among people, ambiguity in sexuality and indefinable emotions, cause them to drift afloat endlessly.

  • 黏着斑激酶的高表达与人胃癌侵袭和转移的关系Relationship Between Strong Immunoreactivity of Focal Adhesion Kinase and Invasion and metastasis in Human Gastric Carcinoma

  • 建筑形态以大海为背景,与自然完美融合,体现了建筑与环境、人与人、人与自然和谐共生的精神。The building takes the sea as its background and matches perfectly with the nature, embodying the harmony between architecture and environment, human and human, human and nature.

  • 股票出质后,不得转让,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的可以转让。The certificates of stocks pledged may not be transferred, unless agreed between the pledgor and the pledgee.

  • 深度生态学是作为一种建立人与人之间,团体与团体之间以及整个自然界中的平衡与和谐而提出的。Deep ecology is emerging as a way of developing a new balance and harmony between individuals, communities and all of Nature.

  • 他与人谈话时有一种令人可笑的贬眼睛的习惯。He has funny habit of blinking when talking with others.

  • 你虽用杵将愚妄人与打碎的麦子一同捣在臼中,他的愚妄还是离不了他。Though you grind a fool in a mortar, grinding him like grain with a pestle, you will not remove his folly from him.

  • 在马丁·路德·金的梦想中,不仅人与人之间和平共处,而且白人也要成为黑人的兄弟。In Martin Luther King's dream,not only was the lion going to lie down with the lamb,but white was going to be brother to black.

