
强行force染指reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon强行地forcibly亚当不允许任何人染指他的利益。Adam won't allow anyone to chisel in on his profits.参与;染指某事Have a finger in the pie他强行通过人群。He forced a

  • 强行force

  • 染指reap undeserved profit from; encroach upon

  • 强行地forcibly

  • 亚当不允许任何人染指他的利益。Adam won't allow anyone to chisel in on his profits.

  • 参与;染指某事Have a finger in the pie

  • 他强行通过人群。He forced a passage through the crowd.

  • 染指垂涎dip one's finger and water for; be covetous; try to get a coveted share of what is not one's due

  • 这些大公司强行得到所有这些重要的合同,以谋取其利。The large firms have muscled in on all the important contracts.

  • 染指择肥dip one's finger in the pie and claim the lion's share

  • 强盗使用暴力强行进入住宅。The robber used force to get into the house.

  • 染指于鼎dip one's finger in the soup and have a taste; be covetous

  • 警察将那些流浪者强行推入巡逻车中。The police hustled the tramps into the patrol car.

  • 妄图染指attempt in vain to poke one's finger into ...

  • 染指别国资源encroach on the resources of other countries

  • 强行扣留forcible detention

  • 妄图染指别国资源attempt to encroach on the resources of other countries

  • 从帝国版图中强行分割出去的一个省份a province rent from the empire

  • 不能强行规定人们应该怎样生活。You can't dictate to people how they should live.

  • 在此吾将染指你的权柄。Here, I shall alter thy Laws and Judgments.

  • 强行通过to force a passage

