
她用手揉了揉脚腕子。She rubbed at her ankle.用手揉擦耳朵Rubbing of ears with hands最大多数的渔场在那下面很好,做生意的一个坏的方法是哪一。Most fisheries are well below that, which is a bad way to do business.常用in common

  • 她用手揉了揉脚腕子。She rubbed at her ankle.

  • 用手揉擦耳朵Rubbing of ears with hands

  • 最大多数的渔场在那下面很好,做生意的一个坏的方法是哪一。Most fisheries are well below that, which is a bad way to do business.

  • 常用in common usage

  • 飞机拖着浓烟烈火在我下面坠落了下去。The plane twisted under me, trailing flame and smoke.

  • 加入第四杯面粉,用手加,用手揉,知道干面粉完全融入进去,做出一个面团。Add the last cup and flour and, with your hands, begin to combine the dough until all of the dry flour has moistened into a mass.

  • 男女male-female

  • 有的拿着碗白干酒,让让大家,而后慢慢的喝,喝完一口,上面咂着嘴,下面很响的放凉气。Others had a bowl of liquor and, after inviting those around to join in, would drink slowly, smacking their lips after each sip and breaking wind noisily.

  • 不用need not

  • 我下面要说的是我个人的一个小故事。Allow me a more modest but personal anecdote.

  • 产品名称:金珠光手揉纸Golden Pear Luster Crumpled Paper

  • 我下面的话是讲给本校的学生们听的。My next remarks are directed to the boys and girls of this school.

  • 您的眼睛发炎了,您很可能用脏毛巾擦过眼睛,或用脏手揉过眼睛。You have an infection. You must have rubbed your eyes with a dirty towel, or dirty hands.

  • 我如何看到谁加入在我下面和获得多少佣金?How can I see who signed up under me and how much commissions are owed to me?

  • 我觉得大地在我下面起伏蠕动,象一条可怕的巨蟒。I felt the soil creep and heave beneath me, like some monstrous serpent.

  • 她用手抚摸这美丽的丝绸。She fingered the fine silk.

  • 那么...我下面应该做什么,你如何治疗我?Verna (teary): So ... what do I do next? ... I mean how do you treat it?

  • 农民过去用手打麦脱粒。Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand.

  • 辛金用两只小手揉着他那诡计多端,但极够威仪的脑袋。Simkin rubbed his cunning, imposing head with small hands.

  • 在略为寒暄之后,他严谨详细地告诉我下面的事。Ater a few preliminaries he told me in precise and formal detail the story set out below.

