几月走的Which Month Did He Go Away
你妹妹出生于几月?What month was your sister born in?
当你继续如此分割到行情的终点时,它可能要运行几周或者几月,这个阻力区对你来说是第一个最值得守候的运动。When you come to the last move, which may run several weeks or several months, that is the most important move to watch for your first Resistance Points.
奥运会几月几日开幕?What's the start date of the Olympics?
对,我想是9号。几月9号?Yes, I think the ninth. The ninth of...
时下的加沙,是几月来最平静的。For now, Gaza is quieter than it has been for months.
则可以放在储蓄罐里叮当响上好几月。they rattle for months inside money boxes.
科林斯先生:上个月是几月?简:哦,我真的不知道。Mr. Collins: What month was last month?
在聚集被运输到饲养场之前,牛群通常要在放牧场上生长几个月到几年时间。Cattle usually are raised on range for months to years before being rounded up for transport to feedlots.
他的近几月来的行为已经消磨了我对他的判断能力的信心。His behaviour over the last few months has eroded my confidence in his judgement.
几次several times
柯林斯靠做零工每星期弄到几块钱。Collins picked up a few dollars a week doing odd jobs.
如果50便士不拿来换糖吃,则可以放在储蓄罐里叮当响上好几月。If fifty pence pieces are not exchanged for sweets, they rattle for months inside money boxes.
是指渐满显出逐渐变大的光亮区域,如月亮由新月到满月。It also means to show a progressively larger illuminated area, as the moon does in passing from new to full.
我希望捉到几条好鲈鱼。I hoped to tie into a few good bass.
二、是否有服过中华民国的兵役?您总共服役多少个月?您除役是(元)年几月?Have you ever served in the ROC military? How many months did you serve? In what month and year were you discharged?
从堆芯物理看Krsko核电厂燃料循环从12个月到18个月的转变Transition from 12 months to 18 months cycles at Krsko in a core physics perspective
你们营业到几点?How late are you open?
几月走的Which Month Did He Go Away你妹妹出生于几月?What month was your sister born in?当你继续如此分割到行情的终点时,它可能要运行几周或者几月,这个阻力区对你来说是第一个最值得守候的运动。When you come to the last move, wh