妈妈送给她一个生日礼物,她非常高兴。Having been given a birthday gift by her mother, she was very happy.
爸爸妈妈送给罗斯一台电脑作为生日礼物。The parents gave Rose a computer as a birthday gift.
我有一件右开襟的绣花小袄,是妈妈送给我的。I have an embroidered jacket that opens at the right side, which was given to me by my mother.
我把儿子招入夏季初中体育联盟。I enrolled my son in a junior sports league for the summer.
他将钱电汇给他儿子。He telegraphed money to his son.
她儿子的去世使她悲痛欲绝。The death of her son gave her infinite pain.
我的两个儿子有时候是一对淘气鬼。My sons are a pair of rascals at times.
爸爸妈妈Papa and Mama
他送给我一件生日礼物。He sent me a birthday remembrance.
我给儿子买了一台手提式打字机。I bought my son a portable typewriter.
她不愿意把钱送给别人。She was reluctant to give her money away.
我儿子上学期成绩出色。My son got an excellent report last semester.
妈妈过去常常自制桃子果酱。Mother used to make peach preserves.
他将花送给她以求好感。He sent her flowers as a propitiatory gesture.
我儿子是集邮爱好者。My son is a stamp collector.
妈妈烤了火鸡当晚餐。Mother roasted a turkey for dinner.
她儿子从一年级跳到三年级。Her son skipped the second grade.
妈妈,我要走了。I'm leaving now, mum.
妈妈送给她一个生日礼物,她非常高兴。Having been given a birthday gift by her mother, she was very happy.爸爸妈妈送给罗斯一台电脑作为生日礼物。The parents gave Rose a computer as a birthday gift.我有一件右开襟的绣花小