深夜very late at night
在深夜late at night
器官网站上涌现出许多乐善好施的人。Organ websites reflect a surge in the number of Good Samaritans.
有专门的拍卖网站。There are special auction web sites.
他们工作到深夜。They worked far into the night.
别着急,现在我们不必赶着去商店。商店要到深夜才关门呢,Hold your horses! We don't have to rush to the shop now. It's open till late tonight.
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我女儿常常读书到深夜。My daughter often studies late into the night.
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我父母向来不赞成深夜外出.My parents always frown on late nights out.
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法院开庭到深夜,处理了所有应审的案件。The court had cleared the docket by sitting deep into the night.
测试网站To test the Web site
他们修这辆手推车一直修到深夜。They worked on the barrow late into the night.
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她经常深夜不睡,听收音机。She sits up to all hours with her wireless.
深夜very late at night在深夜late at night深夜的late-night器官网站上涌现出许多乐善好施的人。Organ websites reflect a surge in the number of Good Samaritans.有专门的拍卖网站。There are special auction web sites.他们工作到