
主货舱门打不开,为了不延误飞机,我们想人工断开舱门。Main cargo door cant's be opened electrically, In order to avoid aircraft delay, we want to open it manually.开open小说novel他的降落伞打不开了, 他想他算完了.When hi

  • 主货舱门打不开,为了不延误飞机,我们想人工断开舱门。Main cargo door cant's be opened electrically, In order to avoid aircraft delay, we want to open it manually.

  • 开open

  • 小说novel

  • 他的降落伞打不开了, 他想他算完了.When his parachute failed he thought he was a goner.

  • 这扇门的门扣好象断了,门打不开了。The catch on this door seems to be broken. It won't open.

  • 这门打不开了。The door doesn't open.

  • 门卡住了,我打不开。The door is jammed and I can't open it.

  • 她全身抖得厉害了,连车门的把手都打不开。She was shaking so much that she could not turn the handle of the door.

  • 窗户给冻上了, 我打不开.The window has frozen up and I can't open it.

  • 盖太紧了,我打不开盒子。The lid was so tight that I couldn't open the box.

  • 窗户打不开。The window refuses to open.

  • 门打不开;锁一定出毛病了。The door will not open; the lock must be out of order.

  • 这可恶的锁就是打不开。This cursed lock won't open.

  • 我打不开盖。I can't get the lid off.

  • 门打不开了。The door has stuck .

  • 我打不开这个罐子的盖子。I can't lift the lid of this jar.

  • 那扇门就是打不开!The door won't open!

  • 降落伞打不开怎么办?What if the parachute doesn't open?

  • 这只箱子盖给卡住了,我打不开。The lid of the box is jammed;I cannot open it.

  • 我打不开我的箱子!I can't unlock my suitcase!

