
基于FIP的欧美在线隐私保护立法模式的比较研究Research on FIP- based comparison of law modes for online privacy protection between US and EU媒体播放器:支持常用的主流媒体格式,允许在线播放,支持字幕插件。Media Payer: Suppor

  • 基于FIP的欧美在线隐私保护立法模式的比较研究Research on FIP- based comparison of law modes for online privacy protection between US and EU

  • 媒体播放器:支持常用的主流媒体格式,允许在线播放,支持字幕插件。Media Payer: Support the most popular media file formats, and play CD, VCD, DVD, etc.

  • 欧美occident

  • 线thread

  • 美America

  • 在线in-line

  • 媒体播放器:支持常用的主流媒体格式,允许在线播放,支持字幕插件。Media Payer: Support the most popular media file formats, and play CD, VCD, DVD, etc.

  • 在线播放列表online play list

  • 欧美的Euramerican

  • 美人belle

  • 在线播放:大丈夫日记Diary Of A Big Man

  • 欧美人occidental

  • 斡旋中东局势布莱尔访美在乔治布什总统图书馆发表演讲Prime Minister's speech at the George Bush Senior Presidential Library

  • 欧美国家Occident

  • 在线翻译translation on line

  • 从“ADB”协定看太平洋战争爆发前英美在远东的军事合作The ADB Agreement and Anglo-American Military,Cooperation in the Far East before the Pacific War

  • 在线的on-line

  • 在欧美各国也意味着礼节。Kissing also signifies courtesy in every country of Europe and America.

  • 通过运用ASP系统框架的构建,静态数据如文本、图片的数据库操作和各种交互式应用,实现了多媒体数据的存储、管理和在线播放,架设了校园网视频点播学习和娱乐环境。By applying the architecture of ASP system, database level operation on static data (e.g. texts and pictures) as well as various interactive applications, storage, management and online playing of medium data will be accomplished, and a study and entertainment environment via campus network VOD will be realized.

  • 冷战结束以前,法国与英美在一些重大问题上基本不存在分歧。Until the end of the Cold War, France rarely found itself in disagreement with or the U.S. On major issues.

