队伍约两千人从湖滨南路一路向西行进。about two thousand people in the procession, moving west from Hubinnan Rd.
内陆是大分水岭和高原,肥沃、平整的农田一路向西延伸。Inland is the great Dividing Range and the tablelands, fertile areas of flat agricultural land that run to the west.
我一路向西,只为追随你的足迹。无论多么艰辛,佛祖将与我同行。I kept going west in the hope of pursuing your trace. No matter how hard it is God will be with me.
完了后一路向南杀过去。Grind your way down south.
荒诞不经的故事,在殖民地时期即已风行美国,一路向西延展,到达了虚伪的极度。The tall tale, which had been popular in America since Colonial days, spread west to reach inspired heights of mendacity.
也会从俄亥俄河一路向南至海湾沿岸时出现,are happening from Ohio River all the way south to the Gulf coast
这条路由湖边向西延伸。The road ranges westward from the lake.
歌曲《一路向北》也同样被提名并将与罗大佑进行角逐。The song, Drifting, was also nominated and will compete with Luo Da You.
群山向西延伸。The mountains have a western trend.
驱车从开罗一路向南进入尼罗河山谷,我犹如进入了一片世外桃源。Driving southward from Cario into the Nile Valley, I entered a landscape that owed little to the present era.
当你向西旅行时,地势是否变得越来越高还是越来越低?As you travel westward, does the land get higher or lower?
荒诞不经的故事,在殖民地时期即已风行美国,一路向西延展,到达了虚伪的极度。The tall tale, which had been popular in America since Colonial days, spread west to reach inspired heights of mendacity.
风改变方向转向西吹。The wind veered round to the west.
经度差因为向西的运动而产生的两个位置之间的经度上的差别The difference in longitude between two positions as a result of a movement to the west.
我乘坐的列车由阿什哈巴德驶出,一路向东,在土库曼沙漠中的绿洲地区中缓慢行驶,源自伊朗的数条河流便在这里汇集。Eastward from Ashkhabad my train lumbered across a region of oases where rivers dropped out of Iran to die in the Turcoman desert.
茫茫大草原向西伸展,直至天边。The vast prairie stretches west to the horizon.
队伍约两千人从湖滨南路一路向西行进。About two thousand people in the procession, moving west from Hubinnan Rd.内陆是大分水岭和高原,肥沃、平整的农田一路向西延伸。Inland is the Great Dividing Range and the tablelands, fert