住“工棚”市政府背后的故事City Government in Work Shed
有将数据背后的故事说出来的能力。Have the ability to tell the story behind the data.
舞厅(n) dance hall; ballroom
你要知道每个刺青背后的故事,却又不能说破它。You should understand every story behind the tattoo, but never present it.
蹲在树背后的四小姐听得林佩珊娇嗔地说:“素!女革命家!As she crouched behind the tree, Huei-fang heard the silvery voice of Lin Pei-shan:"Su-su, you little revolutionary!
她肯定不会轻信他编造的故事。She's surely not so naive as to believe his story.
我派人去叫副排长,他们都在,并请求他设法小心查明在这个背后的一些东西。I sent for the sergeant of the platoon both men were in and asked him to try to find out discreetly what lay behind this.
他讲了一个无聊的故事。He told a silly story.
CIM背后的想法是帮助IT经理理解网络中机器设备相互之间的物理关系。The idea behind CIM is to help IT managers understand the physical relationships machines in a network have with each other.
他的欧洲之行构成了一个有趣的故事。His trip through Europe made an interesting narrative.
这是个令人心痛的故事。This is a tale that wring the heart.
飘垂在她背后的头发hair flowing down her back
他讲了一个关于虚构的地方的故事。He told a story about an imaginary land.
戈尔茨坦先生惊奇地抬起头,手摸向他背后的口袋,“哦,它不见了。”Mr. Goldstein looked up with surprise,put his hand in his back pocket and said,"Oh,it is missing."
他们喜欢有关成年人顽皮的故事。They enjoyed stories about adult naughtiness.
请把我衣服背后的揿钮揿好。Please do up the fasteners on the back of my dress.
那是一个令人难以置信的故事。That is a steep story.
他周游世界的旅行是个很有趣的故事。His trip through the world made an interesting narrative.
结果是,他们成了法规背后的重要支持力量,旨在使许多家庭工业项目成为非法的。Consequently, they have become a primary force behind legislation aimed at making many types of home labour illegal.
前后不一致的故事an incongruous story
住“工棚”市政府背后的故事City Government in Work Shed有将数据背后的故事说出来的能力。Have the ability to tell the story behind the data.舞厅(n) dance hall; ballroom你要知道每个刺青背后的故事,却又不能说破它。You should u