楠楠上菜时要赞不绝口,多吃几碗,不得有偏食挑菜之行为。When Nancy serves the dishes, I should eat greedily and sing high praise for her excellent cooking skills, any fussy or choosy behavior is forbidden.
楠楠给钱时要含泪感激,省吃俭用,不得有奢侈浪费之行为。When Nancy gives me pocket money, I should show thankfulness to her tearfully, pinch and scrape, any luxury and wasting behavior is forbidden.
楠楠购物时要勇于付款。多作鼓励,不得有不情不愿之行为。When Nancy goes shopping, I should encourage her to buy anything she likes, and pay emulatively, any reluctant behavior is forbidden.
楠楠:就读杭师院长笛表演专业,希望能与各位长笛爱好者结成朋友。Nannan: I study in the flute performance dept of Hangzhou Normal College, and hope to know more flute friends herer.
电报全文通常都大写字母打出。Telegrams are usually typed out entirely in capital letters.
民政事务局局长出席立法会财务委员会特别会议发言全文LC: Speech by SHA at Special Finance Committee meeting
浏览全文。To look for a needle in a haysta.
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缓慢,有意的读全文。Read the text slowly and deliberately.
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第四章为全文的总结。Chapter Four is the sum- upof the dissertation.
人物头部绘画。查看全文Everett Raymond Kinstler: Painting A Head My Approach
楠楠上菜时要赞不绝口,多吃几碗,不得有偏食挑菜之行为。When Nancy serves the dishes, I should eat greedily and sing high praise for her excellent cooking skills, any fussy or choosy behavior is forbidden.楠楠给钱时要含泪感