根据以上的分析,请同桌讨论乘法是一种什么样的运算?What can you conclude from these problems? What is multiplication? Please discuss it in pairs.
狗是一种相当聪明的动物,然而最新一项研究显示,狗比人们想象的还要聪明几分呢。Dogs are probably much cleverer than most people think,according to a new study.
他是一位好主人,他们很少打他,但它是一种什么样的生活?He was a good master, who seldom struck him, but what kind of a life was it?
发言人显然没有注意到,狗是一种社会公害。The speaker is apparently unaware(that) dog is a public nuisance.
那是一种什么样的倾向呢?What type tendency is that one kind of?
假如这是我收成之日,试问我曾在那块田地里播种?那又是在一种什么样已被遗忘的季节里?If this is my day of harvest, in what fields have I sowed the seed, and in what unremembered seasons?
发言人显然没有注意到,狗是一种社会公害。The speaker is apparently unaware (that) dog is a public nuisance.
这是一种什么样的模棱两可的话呢?What kind of double talk was this?
"什么时候吃晚饭?已经6点了。" "是的,是的,我尽快做好。记住忍耐是一种美德。""When am I going to get my supper? It's after six already." "Now, now. You'll get it as soon as I can manage. Remember that patience is a virtue."
问:就荒料供应而言,云浮有大理石行业需要一种什么样的结构以平衡发展Question: What kind of structure is needed for a smooth business in marble industry in Yunfu Area, in terms of block supply?
"返回正在燃烧的大楼内去营救被困在里面的受伤者,这是一种英雄行为。"It was an act of heroism to go back into the burning building to save the wounded trapped within.
储蓄存款是一种没有特定到期日的计息存款。Saving deposits are interest-bearing deposits without specific maturity.
至今我仍不知道那是一种什么样的奇异动力,使我在还没有透露给别人之前就把乔治领去看望姑姑,告诉她我们已经订婚的消息。But to this day I do not know what strange impulse made me take George to see her and to tell her,before I had confided in another living soul,of our engagement.
范梅南提出的“生活体验研究”是一种教育学研究方法。Research on lived experience put forward by Max Van Manen is a kind of research method in pedagogy.
认为财富总能带来幸福是一种错误的见解。It is a fallacy to suppose that riches always bring happiness.
任务顺利完成之后,伴随而来的是一种满足感。A sense of satisfaction attaches to the successful performance of one's duty.
教学是一种令人难以置信的学习体验。Teaching is an incredible learning experience.
开车不谨慎小心,从法律的角度来看是一种犯罪行为。Driving without due care and attention is a crime in the eyes of the law.
代尔夫特精陶是一种蓝白色的陶器。Delft is a blue-and-white ware.
这是一种功能极多的新型厨房机械。This is an extremely versatile new kitchen machine.
根据以上的分析,请同桌讨论乘法是一种什么样的运算?What can you conclude from these problems? What is multiplication? Please discuss it in pairs.狗是一种相当聪明的动物,然而最新一项研究显示,狗比人们想象的还要聪明几分呢。Do