又美又好的女人是同性恋。The pretty and nice woman are gay.
论到世上的圣民,他们又美又善,是我最喜悦的。As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight.
她又饮了一小口茶。She took another sip of her tea.
当海风卷起雪浪来袭击海岸时,在美丽的浪花里,会拾到许多小巧玲珑的贝壳,和五色斑斓的小石子; 还有那些碧绿的海草,长的像秀发,又美又可爱。When the sea wind dashes the snow-white billows against the beach, I can pick up from among the brilliant spray many pretty shells and colourful pebbles, as well as some lovely green sea weed as delicate as human hair.
她又一次逐渐摆脱了困境。once again she wormed out of trouble.
我怕她又失检了。I fear she has lapsed again.
可面上全部的美又立即闪了回来。Immediately all the beauty flashed back into the canvas.
真、善、美又是什么?What is truth, goodness, beauty?
她又一次感到旧伤突然一阵剧痛。She felt again the twitch of an old wound.
又酸又辣,又香又美Sour and peppery, fragrant and delicious
你有没有摸过她又硬又黑的头发?Have you ever felt her wiry, black hair?
黑猫的又长又美的尾巴The very long and graceful tail of the black cat
她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。She survived her husband by twenty years.
老黑狗又长又美的尾巴。The very long and graceful tail of the old black dog.
她又上当了。She was sold again.
仔细分析起来,形体之美要胜于颜色之美,而优雅行为之美又胜于形体之美。In beauty, that of favor, is more than that of color; and that of decent and gracious motion, more than that of favor.
与父亲谈过话之后,她又重新鼓起了勇气。She regained her nerve after her talk with her father.
又美又好的女人是同性恋。The pretty and nice woman are gay.论到世上的圣民,他们又美又善,是我最喜悦的。As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight.又again美America她she她又饮