
有to have全集(n) omnibus; complete works of an artist有点rather要有need有问题something the matter有事have ... on有用useful有一天in course of time有钱in the dough有意义的significative有兴趣interested有权be entitled to有意

  • 有to have

  • 全集(n) omnibus; complete works of an artist

  • 有点rather

  • 要有need

  • 有问题something the matter

  • 有事have ... on

  • 有用useful

  • 有一天in course of time

  • 有钱in the dough

  • 有意义的significative

  • 有兴趣interested

  • 有权be entitled to

  • 有意义meaningful

  • 有价值的valuable

  • 有能力able

  • 是有isorhas

  • 会有have

  • 有需要in demand

  • 有一点kinder

  • 有道have attained the Way; be accomplished in the Way

