是的。我以前从没去过儿。你能帮我个忙吗?你觉得我在去之前应该做些什么?I know. I've never been there before. Can you help me? What do you think I should do before going?
我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百忙中光临的。期待您的到来。I know you have just returned from England but I hope you're not too busy to come. I'm looking forward to seeing you.
我在入口处等你,你魔杖一挥就可以弄张入场券让我进去。I can meet you at the entrance and you can wave your magic wand and get me a pass in.
我在忙着给我的书增补更多的例句。I'm busy spatchcocking more examples into my book.
她的房间在希特勒卧室隔壁,当她被打入这冷宫时,我有时去陪她聊天。Sometimes I kept her company in her exile, a room next to Hitler's bedroom.
她的房间在希特勒卧室隔壁,当她被打入这冷宫时,我有时去陪她聊天。Sometimes I kept her company in her exile, a room next to Hitler's bedroom.
我在办公室整天忙个不停,感到很疲倦。I've been rushed off my feet all day at the office and I'm tired.
虽然我在控制体重,我还是想让自己放纵一下,吃一大块巧克力。Although I am watching my weight, I sometimes like to treat myself to a big chocolate bar.
咳,你能帮我忙吗?我在找一个停车场。Uh, could you help me? I'm looking for a parking lot.
我在第六章内,曾把可以反驳本书主张的主要论点悉数举出。In the sixth chapter I enumerated the chief objections which might be justly urged against the views maintained in this volume.
很抱歉没打电话给你,我在办公室太忙了!Sorry I didn't call you, but I was tied up at the office.
我在机场找到她真是运气。我只是抱着万分之一的希望去的。I was lucky to find her at the airfield. I only went on the off chance.
我忘记告诉你我在写一篇短篇小说,我非常忙。I forget to tell you I am writing a short story now; I have eggs on the spit.
感谢您邀请我在胜利宾馆举行的早宴/午宴/晚宴/会议上出席演讲。Thank you for asking me to be guest speaker at the breakfast/luncheon/dinner/meeting at Victory Hotel.
你今天怎么样?我很忙,我在为下周的考试担心。How was your day? I was busy. I'm worried about my exam next week.
可以从简历中看出,我在武汉大学接受了电子工程各方面的教育。As you will note in my resume,Wuhan University has trained me thoroughly in electronic engineering.
呃,我在忙我那冲浪店开店运作的事宜。很费工的。B: Well, I've been trying to get my surf shop up and running. It's a lot of work.
我妈叫我在街上别跟陌生人说话。今天我特别忙。My mom told me not to talk to strange people on the street.
让我与您及我的朋友杨凌分享我在悉尼参加火炬接力时的一段经历。Let me share with you and my friend Yang Ling an experience I had when I joined the torch relay in Sydney.
是的。我以前从没去过儿。你能帮我个忙吗?你觉得我在去之前应该做些什么?I know. I've never been there before. Can you help me? What do you think I should do before going?冷宫limbo我知道您刚从英国归来,但是我想,您会在百