
房间里只剩下我和我的男友托德了。他一脸迷惑地问我刚才发生了什么事。My boyfriend Todd and I were the only ones left. With a bewildered look on his face he asked me what just happened.法官在电视和电台实况转播的宣判中说,原

  • 房间里只剩下我和我的男友托德了。他一脸迷惑地问我刚才发生了什么事。My boyfriend Todd and I were the only ones left. with a bewildered look on his face he asked me what just happened.

  • 法官在电视和电台实况转播的宣判中说,原告和被告两人自愿发生了性关系。The judge said, in a verdict broadcast live on television, that the two had consensual sex.

  • 他同她发生了性关系。He made love to her.

  • (大卫的诗。)耶和华阿,求你听我的祷告,留心听我的恳求,凭你的信实和公义应允我。"<a Psalm. Of David.> Let my prayer come to you, O Lord; give ear to my requests for your grace; keep faith with me, and give me an answer in your righteousness;"

  • 她在丈夫出差时跟邻居发生了性关系.She was having it off with a neighbour while her husband was away on business

  • 40我必使他们像羊羔,像公绵羊和公山羊下到宰杀之地。I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, like rams and goats.

  • 程序集的强名称签名由文本名称、版本、区域性和公钥标记组成。The strong name signature of an assembly consists of the text name, version, culture, and public key token.

  • 谣传弗兰克与他雇的每一位秘书小姐都发生了性关系。It is rumoured that Frank makes love to every girl he hires as a secretary.

  • 我和王芳(潘教授的妻子)交谈了并告诉她你所说的话。I spoke to Wang Fang(Professor Pan's wife) and told her what you said.

  • 事物的所有表示和模型的逻辑的,系统的,正式的,和公理性的开发。The systematic, formal, axiomatic development of the logic of all forms and models of being.

  • 他在办公室和她发生了性关系。He had her in his office.

  • 该格式是以逗号分隔的程序集组合,它由版本、区域性和公钥标记组成。The format is a comma-separated assembly combination consisting of version, culture, and public key tokens.

  • 她在丈夫出差时跟邻居发生了性关系。She was having it off with a neighbour while her husband was away on business.

  • 灰色的母鹅和公鹅,一起扬起你们的翅膀,载着好国王的女儿,飞过这条河。Gray goose and gander Gray goose and gander, Waft your wings together, And carry the good king's daughter Over the one-strand river.

  • 他和同你合住一个单元的那个女孩发生了性关系。He bedded with that girl you used to share a flat with.

  • 我和我兄弟好几年来互不理睬了,因此我已决定和他达成谅解,争取和好。My brother and I haven't spoken for years so I've decided to have it out with him and try to be friends again.

  • 使用以下属性集标识SDM文档:文档名称、版本、区域性、平台和公钥标记。SDM documents are identified using the following set of attributes: document name, version, culture, platform, and public key token.

  • 我和她来往已久,但未发生过性关系。I went about with her but have never had a grope.

  • 您可以使用下面的强名称工具(Sn.exe)命令,为特定程序集输出十六进制格式的公钥和公钥标记You can print the hexadecimal format of the public key and public key token for a specific assembly using the following Strong Name tool (Sn. Exe) command

  • 两个成年人走进房间,谈妥价钱,发生了性关系。T wo adults enter a room, agree a price, and have sex.

