饱受延迟推出的视窗操作系统点击境界微软第二季利润。The much-delayed launch of the Windows Vista operating system hits second quarter profits at Microsoft.
北美销售环境于第二季情况欠佳,主要反映经济放缓及股市波动。The second quarter was a challenging environment for North American sales, reflecting the slowing economy and volatile equity markets.
亢奋excited; stimulated; stimulated
男才女貌第二季Beauty and the Geek Season Two
鬼马太空船第二季Tripping the Rift Season Two
财政司司长刚才公布了本地生产总值第二季的数字,以及全年经济增长率的预测。The Financial Secretary has just announced the second quarter GDP figure and the forecast for the rest of the year in term of economic data.
我在演讲比赛中得了第二名。I got a second in the speech contest.
第四季fourth quarter
躁狂高度亢奋或癫狂的状态A state of intense excitement or ecstasy.
他忘了读第二页。He omitted reading the second page.
第二次扫描显示出一个脑瘤。The second scan revealed a brain tumor.
4400第二季第一集将长达两个小时!This episode will be aired as a two hour special.
美国游泳选手得第二。The American swimmer came second.
季铵盐quaternary ammonium salt
他的话的确激发了他们的亢奋情绪。What he said really sparked their excitement.
亢奋 第二季-是什么意思
饱受延迟推出的视窗操作系统点击境界微软第二季利润。The much-delayed launch of the Windows Vista operating system hits second quarter profits at Microsoft.北美销售环境于第二季情况欠佳,主要反映经济放缓及股市波动。The second