眼前她用不着像美人儿般做得娇模娇样。Under the circumstances, she did not need to carry herself as pretty women do.
你能否让他们进来儿分钟和你谈一谈?Would you permit them in for a few minutes to talk to you?
和你在大学一起度过的时光是我一生中最幸福的时光。The hours I spent with you in the university were happiest of my life.
别慌,亨利!我在这儿呢!我永远和你在一起。Steady, Henry! I'm here; I'm with you till the cows come home.
和你一起度过的时光是我一生中最幸福的时光。The hours I spent with you were happiest of my life.
别找碴儿,我今天可不想和你吵架。Don't nibble, I don't want to quarrel with you now.
如果你不能帮助我,我得把这问题提出来和你的上级商量。If you cannot help me I shall have to take the matter up with your superior.
我和你谈话时把那个玩意儿关掉。Turn that thing off while I'm talking to you!
我星期五和你见面,除非发生什么特殊情况。I'll meet you on Friday unless anything special turns up.
梦幻般的动作RPG,快来和你倾慕的大侠和侠女一起并肩作战吧。Fantasy movement RPG, come to fight shoulder to shoulder with what you adored swordsman and chivalrous woman quickly.
辛莱顿先生想就这次选举和你打赌。Mr.Singleton wants to bet with you on the election.
别再打断我的话,我正要和你母亲谈谈呢。Stop interrupting me; I'm trying to talk to your mother!
除非马上还清欠款,否则我和你打官司。I'll take you to court unless you pay up immediately.
我只有在收到商定的彩礼后才会同意我女儿和你结婚。I will consent to my daughter's giving her hand to you only on receipt of the agreed dowry.
在这件事情上,我的经验和你类似。My experience in this matter is parallel to yours.
你怎样把这个说法和你昨天的话统一起来?How can you reconcile this statement with what you said yesterday?
我永远都不会忘记和你一起度过的日子。I will never forget the days that I spent with you.
如果你有机会去,我愿意和你一起去。If there's a chance you'll go, I'd like to go with you.
和你一起生活对我来说是件愉快的事情。It's a pleasure for me to live with you.
下一局,如果你愿意的话,我可以和你下。I'll play against you in the next game if you like.
眼前她用不着像美人儿般做得娇模娇样。Under the circumstances, she did not need to carry herself as pretty women do.你能否让他们进来儿分钟和你谈一谈?Would you permit them in for a few minutes to talk to you?和你在大学一起