呸! 羞羞脸!Fie, for shame!
"果然出去带进一个小后生来,较宝玉略瘦些,眉清目秀,粉面朱唇,身材俊俏,举止风流,似在宝玉之上,只是怯怯羞羞,有女儿之态""he fetched in a lad more slightly built that Baoyu yet even more handsome, with fine features, a fair complexion, red lips, a graceful figure and pleasing manners, but as bashful as a girl."
呸!羞羞脸!Fie, for shame!
"又见秦钟腼腆温柔,未语面先红,怯怯羞羞,有女儿之风""Qin Zhong was bashful and gentle, so shy that he blushed like a girl before he spoke"
在她的羞惧中,他觉得她是可爱的,而且可以说是美丽的。He thought her comely, almost beautiful, in her shyness
漫画书comic books
如所罗门所说:“智慧之子使父亲欢乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞”。as Solomon saith, A wise son rejoiceth the father, but an ungracious son shames the mother.
连环漫画strip cartoon
因窘境而羞红了脸;脚底的刺痛感已经消失了;刺人的荨麻;刺骨的冰雨a prickling blush of embarrassment; the tingling feeling in a foot that has gone to sleep; a stinging nettle; the stinging windblown sleet
如所罗门所说: “智慧之子使父亲欢乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞”。as Solomon saith,A wise son rejoiceth the father,but an ungracious son shames the mother.
2[和合]仆人办事聪明,必管辖贻2羞之子,又在众子中,同分产业。[NIV] A wise servant will rule over a disgraceful son, and will share the inheritance as one of the brothers.
呃,赵先生,对不住,我忘掉她是你的‘侄女儿’,”羞缩无以自容地笑。Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. Chao, I forgot she is your 'niece,' " and with that she laughed in great embarrassment.
他还感到羞恼,因为自己把炸弹投得离这艘驱逐舰很远,并且整个中队竟然一颗也没投中。He stewed too about his own gross miss on this destroyer, and on the failure of an entire squadron to get even one hit.
那孩子羞得低下了头。The child hung his head in shame.
吮拇指可够羞人的。What a shame that you suck your thumb.
她羞臊得不知所措。She is timid and completely at a loss what to do.
畏羞退避To retire and hide, Being Bashful
使..蒙羞Bring shame on; embarrass
呸! 羞羞脸!Fie, for shame!果然出去带进一个小后生来,较宝玉略瘦些,眉清目秀,粉面朱唇,身材俊俏,举止风流,似在宝玉之上,只是怯怯羞羞,有女儿之态he fetched in a lad more slightly built that Baoyu yet even more handsome, with fine