按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚,或予埋葬,不然就关进女修道院里去。The Spaniard has it that a buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent.
按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚,或予以埋葬,不然就关进女修道院里去。The Spaniard have it that a buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent.
老人由孙子扶着进了房间。The old man entered the room supported by his grandson.
当我扶着那个有病的老人回家时,他不断气吁吁地说“谢谢你”。The ailing old man kept puffing out a "Thank you" as I supported him home.
孩子们围着老师坐成一圈。The children sat in a ring round the teacher.
女人的丰乳、纤腰、肥臀都与卵巢分泌的雌激素有关。Waist of abundant breast of the woman, fine, fat buttock is concerned with ovarian excretive estrogen.
孩子很敬畏地凝视着老师。The children stared at the teacher with awe.
我扶着他怕他摔倒。I hold him up for fear he fall.
原来他头顶上是个阁楼,阁楼的天窗正对着老师的头顶。There was a garret above, pierced with a scuttle over his head;
扶着病人走walk a patient
关于美人的2/比例的作品很难有什么诗意,同样,跨越文化界限去记录丰乳肥臀的赞誉之辞也不合适,所以,分析的重点集中在对女性腰肢的柔情描写上。It is hardly poetic to write about a knockout's two-thirds ratio, nor equally appropriate across cultures to scribe complementary descriptions of bosoms and behinds, so the analysis focused on romantic references to female waists.
学生们围着老师。The pupils surrounded the teacher.
扶着栏杆我自己能行。I'm doing fine with the help of the banisters.
她的眼睛凝视着老师的面孔。She rested her eyes on the teacher's face.
紧扶着树下来shin down a tree
其中有一个人把一本破旧的拼字课本摊在膝上。他们都愁容满面地望着老师。One of them was holding an old spelling book on his knee. They all looked sadly at the master.
按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚,或予埋葬,不然就关进女修道院里去。The Spaniard has it that a buxom widow must be either married, buried, or shut up in a convent.按西班牙人的主张,丰乳肥臀的寡妇应该使之再婚