假如你让我们三个人免费进去玩一会的话。If you let us come in for free.
我但以理观看,见另有两个人站立:一个在河这边,一个在河那边。Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river and one on the opposite bank.
中午时分有两个人走进了树林。At noonday two people entered the grove.
两个人的组合究竟能否顺利的从超市中尽可能多的拿到免费物品呢。Introduction: The combination of the two, can smoothly from the supermarket to get as many free items?.
这两个人总为琐事争吵。The two were always bickering.
我们家有两个人挣钱。We have two wage earners in the family.
他站在那里时看见两个人走进了酒吧间。As he stood there he saw two men enter the bar.
瞧瞧这两个人!衣服穿成什么样子!我觉得真使人厌恶!Just look at these two! What a way to dress! I think it's disgusting!
两个人在那里跳舞唱歌一会儿,然后就把那个壶打开看看。The two of them sang and danced for a while and then opened the jar to have a look.
他同意把这笔奖金分给汤姆和安两个人。He agreed to divide the prize between Tom and Ann.
可以睡两个人的宽床。a bed wide enough to accommodate two sleepers.
从此这两个人就更加亲近了。From that day on the two men were drawn closer together.
两个人的车站A Railway Station for Two
两个人的早餐Just We Two For Breakfast
这两个人在谈话。The two men were talking.
两个人在一起的时间the period during which two men are in together
一共两个人。Two in all.
婚礼照片上两个人都照得很好。They both came out well in the wedding photograph.
这两个人密谋抢劫一家银行。The two conspired to rob a bank.
假如你让我们三个人免费进去玩一会的话。If you let us come in for free.我但以理观看,见另有两个人站立:一个在河这边,一个在河那边。Then I, Daniel, looked, and there before me stood two others, one on this bank of the river an