
意大利总理伦齐赢得至关重要信任投票Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has won a crucial confidence vote inParliament on his brand new government.The vote in the Senate came hours after he argued that he could get hiscoun


Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has won a crucial confidence vote in Parliament on his brand new government. 

The vote in the Senate came hours after he argued that he could get his country back to work while the last three prime ministers failed. Renzi won the backing of the upper house by 169 votes to 139. Renzi is Italy’s youngest prime minister in 39 years.

He was sworn into office on Saturday along with an unusually young Cabinet, with many of the ministers newcomers to national government. The Senate vote will be followed by a separate vote on Tuesday in the lower house, where Renzi’s coalition has a comfortable majority. 

