挨家挨户推销宝石很快会成为郊区生活中的一种常见现象。Selling gemstones on the knocker will soon become a familiar feature of suburban life.
"任何一种个人的业余爱好,如体育活动,音乐,集邮等等在他的生活中从未有过地位。""Any personal hobbies such as sports, music and collecting stamps never had a place in his life."
辞去她的第一份工作是她生活中的一个转折点。Leaving her first job was a watershed in her life.
她对现代生活中的社交应酬已经厌烦了。She is tired of the racket of modern life.
我得工作这么长的时间,因此生活中的麻烦事就更多了。My life is further complicated by having to work such long hours.
早先的某人早期生活中的重要事情及事件The important events and occurrences in one's early life.
他经常忆起他早年生活中的一些情景。He often dredges up scenes and incidents from his early life.
我不会再去表演生活中的奇特之处。I will do no more to enact the peculiarities of life.
人们需要经过许多年才能学会忍受生活中的各种打击。It takes many years to learn to take life's blows on the chin.
汽车是生活中的一个必不可少的组成部分。Cars are a necessary part of life.
看电视是现在许多英国人家庭生活中的主要消遣。Television is now the focal point of family life in many British homes.
故事影射她过去生活中的一个秘密。The story alluded to a mystery in her past.
音乐和绘画是他生活中的两大嗜好。His two great interests in life are music and painting.
那些吵吵闹闹的邻居成了我生活中的一大忧患.Those noisy neighbours are the bane of my life.
如今,我们生活中的食品越来越五花八门了。Nowadays, the foodstuffs in our life are more various.
这不是全国人民政治生活中的大事情吗?Isn't this a major political event involving the whole nation?
挨家挨户推销宝石很快会成为郊区生活中的一种常见现象。Selling gemstones on the knocker will soon become a familiar feature of suburban life.中的mesne生活life"任何一种个人的业余爱好,如体育活动,音乐,集邮等等在他的生活中