Windows 98, Windows NT, and Windows Me 需要奔腾 233 MHz或更高版本以及 64 MB 内寸Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows Me - 233 MHz Pentium or greater with 64 MB RAM
特优233Teyou 233
失乐园Paradise Lost
我住在银河路233号。I live at 233 Galaxy Road.
水上乐园boat paradise; waterly playground
喂,是233-567吗?Hello,is this 233-2567?
这是《战争与和平》的原版本。This is the original text of "War and Peace".
笑话大全collection of jokes
儿童乐园children's playground
有许多非法翻印的版本。There are lots of pirated editions.
《反异教大全》Summa Contra Gentiles
233第三方监控力量对中东意味着什么?Monitors for the Middle East - What to Expect?
他长得非常矮小,因而被吉尼斯世界纪录大全列为世界上最矮的男人。He is so short that he is recorded in the Guinness book of Records as the shortest man in the world.
根据原始稿本修订的未窜改版本an incorrupt edition prepared from the original text
平均每日进食五份或以上蔬果的女性人数是233。The number of females who reported that they had eaten five or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day was 233.
大全张complete sheet of stamps
新版本不比旧版本更贵。The new edition is not more expensive than the old edition.
乐园paradise迪斯尼乐园DisneylandWindows 98, Windows NT, and Windows Me 需要奔腾 233 MHz或更高版本以及 64 MB 内寸Windows 98, Windows NT and Windows Me - 233 MHz Pentium or greater with 64 MB RAM特优233Teyou 233失乐园Parad