
辱承宠召I considered it a great honour to be invited杯酒之欢Pleasure of a Banquet我是个闲散书生,不善奉承,以前当众向大人致意时,实已竭尽了取宠之能事。When I had once addressed your Lordship in public, I had exhausted al

  • 辱承宠召I considered it a great honour to be invited

  • 杯酒之欢Pleasure of a Banquet

  • 我是个闲散书生,不善奉承,以前当众向大人致意时,实已竭尽了取宠之能事。When I had once addressed your Lordship in public, I had exhausted all the art of pleasing which a retired and uncourtly scholar can possess

  • 眼前之欢the pleasure of moment

  • 欢joyous

  • 承to bear

  • 燕婉之欢harmonious happiness between husband and wife

  • 宠to love

  • 没有什么区别,只是豪华贵宾房多了贵妃椅、房间和床要大一些。There are only a few differences. The room and bed in the VIP rooms are larger and extra luxurious arms.

  • 露水之欢temporal joy

  • 支承supporting

  • 一位自称能找到魂魄的道士,自告奋勇,去为皇上寻找贵妃的灵魂。"Moved by the emperor's pathetic longing for his lady love," a Taoist priest reputedly able to summon spirits volunteered to go and search for Yang Guifei.

  • 之後afterwards

  • 新宠new favorite

  • 承压pressure-bearing; compression

  • 不足之处limitations

  • 新欢new sweetheart

  • 随之thereupon; therewith

  • 之处part; point

  • 之行trip

