
据说若把和田所有的葡萄一颗接一颗的排成直线,能够延伸到750公里之外。If all the vines of Hetian where laid end-to-end, it is said they would stretch out for up to 750 kilometers.战争期间,曾有一颗子弹把他手上的手枪打

  • 据说若把和田所有的葡萄一颗接一颗的排成直线,能够延伸到750公里之外。If all the vines of Hetian where laid end-to-end, it is said they would stretch out for up to 750 kilometers.

  • 战争期间,曾有一颗子弹把他手上的手枪打掉了,可是他却安然无恙。During the war a bullet knocked the pistol out of his hand,but he had a charmed life.

  • 珍珠象凝聚在地下的水气那样一颗一颗的掉下来。Pearls fell drop by drop, as subterranean waters filter in their caves

  • 拔出一颗坏牙;拔出一个尖片;也在抽象意义上使用;从图表中获得信息extract a bad tooth; take out a splinter; also used in an abstract sense: extract information from the telegram

  • 然后从袋子里取出了一把宝石,把它们一颗一颗地丢到燃烧的油里。One by one, he dropped them into the flaming oil.

  • 在荷兰埃因霍恩俱乐部效力时,33场比赛进30个球,很快成为一颗新星。"an immediate star at Dutch club Eindhoven, Ronaldo scored 30 goals in 33 matches. "

  • 只有弗兰克与她的感情最接近,他就象一颗隐现在她那小小天地中的星星。It was Frank who lay closest to her heart, Frank who loomed as the star in her limited heaven.

  • 她撒了一地的毒品胶囊,不得不一颗一颗地找出来。She spilled the caps on the floor and had to find every single one of them.

  • 他们成功地用火箭把一颗卫星送入运行轨道。They succeeded in rocketing a satellite into orbit.

  • 从那时起,英国科学家就宣称从一颗来自火星的陨石上得到了类似的发现。Since then, scientists in Britain have reported similar findings from another rock that traveled as meteorite from Mars.

  • 突然间,那里出现一大片光,陆地或许会象一片云,但火光却不可能是一颗殒星。suddenly a great light appeared on the strand; land might resemble a cloud, but the fire was not a meteor.

  • 所有的黑洞都是因为恒星的引力坍缩而形成,这种恒星通常有一颗巨大而厚重的核心。All black holes are formed from the gravitational collapse of a star,usually having a great,massive core.

  • 不知不觉中她睡着了,脸上带着温柔的微笑,一颗泪滴落在了枕边。With a tender smile,a tear rolled on her pillow as she drifted to sleep.

  • 打电话者声称旅馆里有一颗炸弹,但这不过是一场恶作剧而已。A telephone caller said there was a bomb in the hotel but it was just a hoax.

  • 一颗牙齿在工作,另一颗则闲着,它的牙根部得不到刺激。One tooth works while the other one idles and gets no stimulation in its root area.

  • 一颗狙击手的子弹打烂了他头顶上方两英寸地方的墙头。A sniper's bullet tore up a wall two inches above his head.

  • 鉴于此,或许不用一颗导弹就能引发两国间当前的紧张局势了。It could take less than a bomb to detonate such a situation.

  • 一颗果实从他身旁的树上砰地一声落下,使他跳了起来。A piece of fruit dropped from a tree beside him with a thud, making him jump.

  • 每一颗心都急得怦怦乱跳,只有米歇尔·阿当是一个例外。All hearts beat with disquietude, save only the heart of Michel Arden.

  • 他自我检讨着:一个好的营养主任是一颗值得夸赞的珍珠。He checked himself: a good chief dietitian was a pearl to be prized.

