他的声音又大又尖,仿佛他已经怒不可遏,迫不及待了。His voice sounded louder and higher, as if he were afire with eagerness and rage.
随着天色渐晚,那个通往楼上的又大又长的门厅里生起了火。As it grew later the fire was made up in the large long hall into which the staircase descended.
这是小猪的房子的屋顶。它还在上面建了烟囱,那又大又坏的狼就是从烟囱爬进房子的。This is the roof of the little pig's house. He built the chimney on the roof and the big bad wolf climbed into the house from the chimney.
这些公牛能长得又大又壮。These bulls are growthy and rugged.
王下令,人就凿出又大又宝贵的石头来,用以立殿的根基。And the king commanded, and they brought great stones, costly stones, and hewed stones, to lay the foundation of the house.
黎明时分,风又大了起来,然而风向不定。At daybreak the wind became pretty strong again, but was capricious.
一个老大不情愿的开电梯的工人弄来了一只垫满稻草的盒子和一些牛奶,另外他又主动给买了一听又大又硬的狗饼干,有一块饼干一下午泡在一碟牛奶里,泡得稀巴烂。A reluctant elevator-boy went for a box full of straw and some milk, to which he added on his own initiative a tin of large, hard dog-biscuits--one of which decomposed apathetically in the saucer of milk all afternoon.
一个又大又堂皇的大厦。a large and stately mansion.
路路通说着又大笑起来。cried Passepartout, laughing heartily.
一种又大又华丽的帐篷。large and often sumptuous tent.
它又大又气派。It's larger and looks luxurious.
`你听得清我的话吗?'`听清了,声音又大又清楚。'`Are you reading me?' `Reading you loud and clear.'
他的鼻子又大又红。His nose is really big and red.
又大又凶的老鼠在跟大兔子扭斗了。The fierce rat is tussling with a grown rabbit.
镜子映出一个疲惫的年轻女子,有着一双又大又圆狐猴一样的眼睛。The mirror reveals a tired young woman with big round lemur eyes.
食品店主人告诉我苹果可以挑选,所以我挑了几个又大又熟的。The green grocer told me to take my pick of the apples,so I chose the big,ripe ones.
职业拳击手的手又大又壮。Pro boxers have giant meat hooks.
又大又多肉的西红柿big, meaty tomatoes
他这样把一切职业、所有工作完全平等看待,我听了不由得又大笑起来。I could not help laughing again, at his balancing all callings and professions so equally
他的声音又大又尖,仿佛他已经怒不可遏,迫不及待了。His voice sounded louder and higher, as if he were afire with eagerness and rage.随着天色渐晚,那个通往楼上的又大又长的门厅里生起了火。As it grew later the fire was made u