
乌克兰民众希望季莫申科参与总统竞选Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko has accepted an invitation from German Chancellor Angela Merkal to be treated for a back problem inGermany.Tymoshenko's Batkivshchyna party a


Ukrainian opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko has accepted an invitation from German Chancellor Angela Merkal to be treated for a back problem inGermany.

Tymoshenko's Batkivshchyna party announced her decision on its website. It says Tymoshenko will go to Berlin's Charite Hospital after attending theEuropean People's Party congress, which starts in Dublin on March 6th. Hours after the removal of her bitter rival, Viktor Yanukovych, the former primeminister was released from the hospital where she had been held under prison guard. She’d been there for most of the time since her conviction for abuseof office in 2011.

Tymoshenko addressed anti-Yanukovych protesters on Kiev's Independence Square from a wheelchair on Saturday evening. She's widely expected to run ina presidential election on May 25th, but she has not said what her plans are. 

