
孔雀蓝色网站色版Tahiti: This is a beautiful jewel toned peacock blue游泳池边惊现绝色美女和希沙也Beauty and Beauty kamikaze suicide while swimming pools also chicha白色是中性色。White is a neutral color.器官网站上涌现出许

  • 孔雀蓝色网站色版Tahiti: this is a beautiful jewel toned peacock blue

  • 游泳池边惊现绝色美女和希沙也Beauty and Beauty kamikaze suicide while swimming pools also chicha

  • 白色是中性色。White is a neutral color.

  • 器官网站上涌现出许多乐善好施的人。Organ websites reflect a surge in the number of Good Samaritans.

  • 那美女以前是个丑小鸭。That beauty once was an ugly duckling.

  • 亚麻籽油是一种颜料展色剂。Linseed oil is a vehicle for paint.

  • 盯着看一位美女to eye a pretty woman

  • 她脸上露出了惊异之色。Her face registered surprise.

  • 她的头发不是自然色。Her hair is an unnatural colour.

  • 黄色是她房间的主色。Yellow is the prevailing color in her room.

  • 黄与蓝是互补色。Yellow and blue are complementary colors.

  • 谱色spectral colour

  • 地毯被阳光照到的地方褪了色。The rug is faded where the sun strikes it.

  • 中间色,半调色在光线最强处与黑色暗影之间的一种色调或明暗的配合A tone or value halfway between a highlight and a dark shadow.

  • 淫思色欲prurient thoughts.

  • 侵略者在雾色的掩护下发起了进攻。The invaders attacked under a cloak of fog.

  • 他们鼓励孩子随意大胆地涂色。The children were encouraged to daub the colors in liberally.

  • 彩虹色玻璃iridescent glass

  • 美色只是皮相。Beauty is but skin-deep.

  • 横向色(象)差lateral chromatism

