
有两个男人(在大门口)鬼鬼祟祟地转悠,使我心生疑窦。There were two men lurking about (my gate) making me suspicious.他遇到两个男人。一个在树下看书,一个在他的打字机上打着字。He came across two men. One was sitting under a

  • 有两个男人(在大门口)鬼鬼祟祟地转悠,使我心生疑窦。There were two men lurking about (my gate) making me suspicious.

  • 他遇到两个男人。一个在树下看书,一个在他的打字机上打着字。He came across two men. One was sitting under a tree reading a book; the other was typing away on his typewriter.

  • 如果我下两个星期不喝咖啡,还是可以对付过去的。If I cut out coffee for the next two weeks, I could manage well enough.

  • 两个男人从卡车上卸下了货物。Two men unloaded the truck.

  • 有两个男人干这件事就够了。Two male people are quite enough for the job.

  • 玛丽与两个男人间的三角恋爱关系a triangular relationship between Mary and the two men

  • 由这两个事实,我下定结论,这则要诀法门,比一般人所受的任何教育都来得重要,这个秘诀高招是任何一位想委下定决心的人都不可或缺的认知。From these two facts I draw the conclusion that the secret is more important,as a part of the knowledge essential for self-determination,than any which one receives through what is popularly known as

  • 两个男人同一个女人围着火,开始吃起少得可怜的午饭。The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal.

  • 收费很合理,我就订下这两个房间。That is fair enough , I will take them .

  • 两个男人在回答警方的询问。Two men are assisting the police in their enquiries.

  • 两个男人与衣柜Two Men and a Wardrobe

  • 船上有两个男人There are two men on the ship.

  • 安妮有两个男人追求。Anne had two men trying to win her affections.

  • 起诉书中提及两个男人。Two men were named in the indictment.

  • 两个男人双双在决斗中丧命。The two men duelled to the death.

  • 两个男人站在橱窗前。Two men were standing before the showcase.

  • 这两个男人的脸型迥异。Facially the two men were very different.

  • 两个男人相互殴打起来。The two men exchanged blows(= hit each other).

  • 有两个男人曾企图敲诈他500000美元。Two men had tried to shake him down for 500000 dollars.

  • 马背上的两个男人是在追小偷吗?Are the two men on horseback chasing the thief?

