
把壶打开后,两个人看满满都是黄金,然后带进去当富有的人。When the jar was opened, both of them could see that it was full of gold. They then took it and became rich.侏儒站在巨人肩上要比两个人看得远。A dwarf on a giant's

  • 把壶打开后,两个人看满满都是黄金,然后带进去当富有的人。When the jar was opened, both of them could see that it was full of gold. They then took it and became rich.

  • 侏儒站在巨人肩上要比两个人看得远。A dwarf on a giant's shoulders sees further of the two.

  • 两个人在激列地争论。他们都是受过良好教育的富有的人。Two men were deep in argument. They were men of wealth and good education.

  • 那两个人看起来象双胞胎兄弟。The two men look like twin brothers.

  • 两个人在那里跳舞唱歌一会儿,然后就把那个壶打开看看。The two of them sang and danced for a while and then opened the jar to have a look.

  • [谚]两个人总比一个人看得全面。Four eyes see more than two.

  • 他们两个人还在宾馆,好在宾馆离浴池不远,几分钟的路。Two of them were still in hotels, guesthouses Fortunately, not far from the bath, a few minutes of the road.

  • 两个人握手,尼科尔森提供贺词,唐纳德欢笑的前来迎接。以一个快船队的球迷来看的话,那是个非常好的现象。The two men shook hands. Nicholson offered his congratulations. Sterling smiled in appreciation. For Clippers fans, that may have been as good as it gets.

  • 两个人都带着挑战,至少是争论的神气,气虎虎地站在那里。They stood there with an air of defiance, or at least of contention.

  • 于是她把小手儿按在他手上,两个人争了一会儿,汤姆假装拼命捂着不让她看的样子,可是手渐渐移开,露出了三个字:And she put her small hand upon his and a little scuffle ensued, Tom pretending to resist in earnest but letting his hand slip by degrees till these words were revealed:

  • “两个人的感情怎么能象我们这样如露水关系般说结束就结束呢?”(伊迪丝·华顿)"How can it be that the sympathy between two people like ourselves . . . should end from one day to another like a mere passade?" (Edith Wharton)

  • 交换名片适当的做法经常是,每次只在两个人之间交换。An appropriate card exchange most often occurs between just two individuals at a time.

  • 在射击试验中,一枚子弹在枪管中爆炸,有两个人受了伤。Two men were injured when a shell burst in a barrel during firing tests.

  • 这道菜至少是四到五个人吃的,我想这对两个人会太多了。This course is for a minimum of 4 to 5 persons and I think the portions will be too large for two.

  • 那两个人惊奇地互相看着。The two men looked at each other in surprise.

  • 这两个人刚刚开始向海岸游去,就惊愕地看到快艇正在打着转。Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speed-boat was moving in a circle.

  • 两个人站在外面,看着大火。Two men stood outside and looked at the fire.

  • 玛丽,我之所以爱你,是因为我们两个人很相象的缘故。I love you, Mary, because we are so much alike.

  • 出租汽车在银行外面停下,两个人下了车,之后出租汽车开走了。A taxi drew up outside the bank. Two men got out and then the taxi drew off.

  • 两个人在同一天去看牙医决不是偶然的。It was no coincidence that the two went to the dentist on the same day.

