家庭影院home theater
卫兵给我们端来一大盘子扁豆焖饭。Guards brought us s large plate of rice smothered with a lentil stew.
扁豆白绢病southern sclerotium rot of kidney bean
影院放电影的剧院A theater that shows movies.
扁豆叶烧病bacterial blight of kidney bean
排队等着进入影院的人往前走了一点。The line of people waiting to go into the cinema began to move up a little.
[医] 扁豆Dolichos lablab L.
象阿拉伯树胶一样长扁豆的热带长青乔木或灌木的小的属small genus of tropical evergreen trees or shrubs having pods like those of the acacia
这部电影正在城里各大影院放映。This film is being screened at main cinemas in town.
小扁豆汤.lentil soup
去王朝影院还有多远?What about the distance to go to the King Cinema?
扁豆根腐病fusarium root rot of kidney bean
扁豆褐斑病ascochyta leaf spot of kidney bean
影院征Cinema sign(髌股障碍)
扁豆炭疽病anthracnose of kidney bean
多厅影院cineplex; multiplex
扁豆状夹层lenticular intercalation
敬请进入保时捷网络影院提供的精彩世界,在此大饱眼福!Come and join us in the front row of the Porsche Web Cinema.
影院cinema家庭影院home theater卫兵给我们端来一大盘子扁豆焖饭。Guards brought us s large plate of rice smothered with a lentil stew.扁豆白绢病southern sclerotium rot of kidney bean影院放电影的剧院A theater that shows movi