乱码messy code
乱in confusion
无人区depopulated zone; no man's land
源码source code
全国出版专业职业资格中级考试备考的一二三四Basic Requirements for Passing National Examination for Admission to Intermediate Publication Profession
临海市公安局杜桥派出所基层基础"一二三四"工作法Improving the Police Basic Work by Means of "One-Two-Three-Four" in Duqiao Police Substation, Linhai City
中文乱码Chinese messy code
验证码identifying code
胡思乱想let one's imagination run away with one
或作讲演,则甲乙丙丁、一二三四的一大串;或作文章,则夸夸其谈的一大篇。When making speeches, they indulge in a long.string of headings, A, B, C, D, 1, 2, 3, 4, and when writing articles, they turn out a lot of verbiage
无人区电轴axis of "no man's land"
注册码poll code
无人区飞行员bush pilot
无人区心电轴Prominent right axis deviation
乱说to make irresponsible remarks
无人区里体验现代化通信Experience Modern Communication in the Unpopulated Area
乱码messy code码yard乱in confusion乱伦incest无人区depopulated zone; no man's land源码source code全国出版专业职业资格中级考试备考的一二三四Basic Requirements for Passing National Examination for Admission to Intermedi