呸! 羞羞脸!Fie, for shame!
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"果然出去带进一个小后生来,较宝玉略瘦些,眉清目秀,粉面朱唇,身材俊俏,举止风流,似在宝玉之上,只是怯怯羞羞,有女儿之态""he fetched in a lad more slightly built that Baoyu yet even more handsome, with fine features, a fair complexion, red lips, a graceful figure and pleasing manners, but as bashful as a girl."
网上图书馆向我们提供了丰富的在线阅读资料。online library provides us rich online reading materials.
呸!羞羞脸!Fie, for shame!
如果喜欢本书的在线阅读版,欢迎到这里购买纸制版本。If you like the online version, please consider buying a paper copy.
"又见秦钟腼腆温柔,未语面先红,怯怯羞羞,有女儿之风""Qin Zhong was bashful and gentle, so shy that he blushed like a girl before he spoke"
在她的羞惧中,他觉得她是可爱的,而且可以说是美丽的。He thought her comely, almost beautiful, in her shyness
漫画书comic books
美国银行家协会银行业期刊,是由美国银行家协会官方发行的杂志。2007年11月刊现在可以免费下载,或者免费在线阅读。ABA Banking Journal, the official publication of the American Bankers Association. The November issue is now available. You can read the magazine online, or download the full magazine.
如所罗门所说:“智慧之子使父亲欢乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞”。as Solomon saith, A wise son rejoiceth the father, but an ungracious son shames the mother.
连环漫画strip cartoon
因窘境而羞红了脸;脚底的刺痛感已经消失了;刺人的荨麻;刺骨的冰雨a prickling blush of embarrassment; the tingling feeling in a foot that has gone to sleep; a stinging nettle; the stinging windblown sleet
如所罗门所说: “智慧之子使父亲欢乐,愚昧之子使母亲蒙羞”。as Solomon saith,A wise son rejoiceth the father,but an ungracious son shames the mother.
2[和合]仆人办事聪明,必管辖贻2羞之子,又在众子中,同分产业。[NIV] A wise servant will rule over a disgraceful son, and will share the inheritance as one of the brothers.
阅读理解reading comprehension
呸! 羞羞脸!Fie, for shame!阅读to read我能否通过其他方式免费在线阅读全文?Are there any other ways I can read the full text online for free?果然出去带进一个小后生来,较宝玉略瘦些,眉清目秀,粉面朱唇,身材俊俏,举止风流,似在宝玉