大山里的黑衣壮:那坡黑衣壮文化艺术考察The Black Hmong in great mountains: an investigation of culture and art of the Zhuang People in Napo County
我们拯救这座大山里的濒危动物的努力白费了。In vain were our efforts to save the endangered animals in this mountain.
学校里的性教育sex education in schools
大山里峰回路转,很容易迷路。In the mountains the paths wind along mountain ridges and one can easily get lost.
认知和行为治疗改善肾移植术后患者的性功能和生活质量Cognitive and behavioral therapy in ameliorating the sexual function and quality of life in patients after kidney transplantation
您是大山里涌出的一眼温泉,滴滴点点凝成我理想的珠串,叮叮咚咚为我奏响进取的心音。You are hot spring from high mountains. It becomes into beads of ideal,playing a sonny of marching.
现在他内心里的最高愿望是过一种受人尊敬的、埋头苦干的生活。The highest desire of his soul just now was for a respectable life of painstaking.
壶里的水开了。The kettle is boiling.
在战争前那些美好的岁月里,似乎没有任何东西能打破我们平静的生活进程。It seemed nothing could disturb the even tenor of our existence in those happy prewar days.
她在议会里的发言被报纸歪曲了。Her speech in Parliament was falsified by the newspapers.
他欣然闻了闻杯里的绿茶香味。He sniffed the green tea in the cup appreciably.
我爸爸公开了他的性取向,于是,在我生活的东部丹佛社交圈里关于我家庭的流言四起。My dad had talked openly about his sexuality, and the East Denver social circle where i lived was buzzing with rumors about my family.
[谚]住在森林里的人不怕猫头鹰;深知事情真相就不会大惊小怪。One has lived too near a wood to be frightened by owls.
我认为没有人喜欢老是被关在屋子里的生活。I don't think anybody would like being pent up in the house all the time.
粘液瘤一种良性肿瘤,最常见于心脏,它由黏液里的胶状结缔组织构成A benign tumor, most often found in the heart, that is composed of connective tissue embedded in mucus.
目前没有酒吧里的非全日性工作。I am sorry, no part-time bar job is available at the moment.
修道院生活在修道院或女修道院里的生活Life in a monastery or convent.
考虑到你在过去一年里的成就不大,你还是放弃唱歌好了。For all the improvement you've made in the past year, you might as well give up singing.
我在找一个石油公司里的非全日性工作。I'm looking for a part-time job in an oil company.
监狱里的建筑物,有中间部分和二端的配楼,形似H字母。Building in a prison build with a central section and two end wing, forming the shape of the letter.
大山里的黑衣壮:那坡黑衣壮文化艺术考察The Black Hmong in great mountains: an investigation of culture and art of the Zhuang People in Napo County我们拯救这座大山里的濒危动物的努力白费了。In vain were our efforts to save t