"晚安,小姐," 他又说了一次。 "我看你有烦恼的事!我真心希望事情会好转。""Good night, miss, " he said again. "I see you've got a trouble: and I'm sure I hope it'll turn out for the best."
老婆(informal) wife
我团对敌人的阵地发动了一次突击。Our regiment spring a surprise attack on the enemy position.
再一次感谢您邀请我们,实在太好了。Thanks again. It really is very kind of you to invite us.
27岁的朗黛丝说,尽管她每周去理疗一次,她今年过的大半日子“像个四肢不全的废人。”Launders, 27, said she has spent most of the year "like a basket case" despite seeing a therapist once a week.
爱德华遇上了一次车祸,但据说他没有救了。Edward has been involved in a car crash and they say he won't pull through.
这个故事使我想起我的一次亲身经历。The story reminds me of an experience I once had.
几位著名的歌唱演员受邀为一次全国性歌唱比赛作评判员。Several famous singers are invited to act as judge for a national song contest.
11月30日,这地区发生一次强烈地震。The district was hit by a violent earthquake on. November30.
你不止一次说过你怀疑你老婆有外遇。You've stated on more than one occasion that you suspected your wife of seeing other man.
他们上星期天举行了一次烤热狗野餐会。They had a hot dog roast last Sunday.
男孩经过一次专门测验后进了体育学校。The boy got in to the athletic school after a special test.
那个候选人自从最近作了一次讲演以后在公众心目中的地位提高了。That candidate has come up in the public opinion since his last speech.
"每月一次,他得去向顾客收钱。""once a month, he has to collect money from his customers."
以敌人要害为目标的一次战略性进攻A strategic attack aimed at the enemy's jugular.
在那里的每一刻都充满了欢乐,这是我记忆中玩得最开心的一次。Every moment was a delight; I can't remember ever having enjoyed myself so thoroughly anywhere!
与我省邻接的地区遭受了一次地震。An earthquake hit the area abutting our province.
发生了一次轻微地震,一些碟子哗啦啦地掉了下来。There was a slight earthquake and some of the dishes clattered down.
那一次的经历使我此生对露营再也不敢领教了。That experience soured me on camping for the rest of my life.
她一次又一次地变换职业,最后选定了教书。She went the vole and finally settled on teaching.
晚安,小姐, 他又说了一次。 我看你有烦恼的事!我真心希望事情会好转。Good night, miss,he said again. I see you've got a trouble: and I'm sure I hope it'll turn out for the best.老婆(informal) wife我团对敌人的