我们都被他的爱国精神深深感动了。We are all deeply moved by his patriotism.
好湿好多水,还有汗,老兄开始啦爆炸啦Drippin wet with sweat man its on and popping
他的破鞋烂袜子都被他的妻子处理掉了。All his worn-out socks and shoes were cashiered by his wife.
我们都被他那惊人的记忆力折服了。We are all overwhelmed by his prodigious memory.
夏天每晚都有成千上万的年轻人在海滩上露宿。Every night during the summer thousands of young people kip out on the beaches.
凡是来到的人都被他收留。As many as came found shelter under his roof.
拉着空车走了几步,他觉出由脸到脚都被热气围着,连手背上都流了汗。After a few steps with his empty rickshaw, he felt burning hot from top to toe, even the backs of his hands were sweating.
林赛两次被解雇,但在工会的压力下,两次都被允许回去工作。Lindsay was fired twice but both times taken back under pressure from the union.
我这儿的《时报》全被他一个人买走了。All the copies of Time in my hand have been swallowed by himself.
每次贝多芬坐下来作曲的时候,他都往自己的头上浇冰水。Every time Beethoven sat down to write music, he poured ice water over his head.
大家都被这个问题难住了。Everybody was stumped by the problem.
好象并没有被他的新任务压得喘不过气来。He doesn't seem loaded down with his fresh responsibilities.
一会就被他忘记了,没有什么作用的。Without any influence or effect; unheeded; quickly forgotten.
所有的乘客都被抛出车外。All the passengers were tumbled out.
所有的座位都被学生们占去了。All seats have been inhabited by students.
被他打上的人还在医院里,你居然就让他走!什么鬼法律!The guy that he hit is still in the hospital, and you let him go! What is the dam law!
所有的卡车都被征用去运伤兵。All the trucks were coopted to carry the wounded soldiers.
他的不安是因为他怀疑老人有一些秘密积蓄,没有被他猜到。His uneasiness arose from a misgiving that the old man had some secret store of money which he had not suspected.
孩子们都被打发去睡觉了。The children were sent to bed.
摩西被他这种气势汹汹的样子和那冒火的刺人目光弄得莫名其妙。Moses was astonished by his vehemence, and fierce, glowing look.
我们都被他的爱国精神深深感动了。We are all deeply moved by his patriotism.好湿好多水,还有汗,老兄开始啦爆炸啦Drippin wet with sweat man its on and popping他的破鞋烂袜子都被他的妻子处理掉了。All his worn-out socks and shoe