
朋友friend你是否和不玩游戏的其他人,说起你和你在游戏中的朋友的事情呢?Do you talk about what you or other players do in games with other people who do not play the games?回旅馆的路上,我和一位朋友的朋友不期而遇,他要去马德

  • 朋友friend

  • 你是否和不玩游戏的其他人,说起你和你在游戏中的朋友的事情呢?Do you talk about what you or other players do in games with other people who do not play the games?

  • 回旅馆的路上,我和一位朋友的朋友不期而遇,他要去马德里的著名广场之一--“大广On the way back from the Retiro to my hotel, I bumped into a friend of a friend who was going to the Plaza Major, one of Madrid's best known squares, so I went along too.

  • 后来,他又对着他最要好的朋友的窗户痛快地连射了一阵。Later, he comfortably fusilladed the windows of his most intimate friend.

  • 好朋友good friend

  • 他拖延时间等着他的朋友的到来。He stalled for time to wait for his friends coming.

  • 不要因为是最好的朋友的婚礼就喝过头。Don't overdo it just because it's your best friend's wedding.

  • 哈里一直与他最好的朋友的妹妹约会。Harry's been dating his best friend's sister.

  • 菲尔比在军情6局的朋友一直认为他无罪,埃利奥特就是其中主要的一个。Philby's friends in MI6, Elliott chief among them, had continually protested his innocence.

  • 朋友的朋友视频留言薄Friends of Friends Part II video guest book feature

  • 他听到了朋友的不幸,立即跋涉千山万水,要来拯救他!He has come hundreds of miles to succor him, when he heard of his friend's misfortune!

  • 朱莉亚可以列在他的朋友的数目中吗?May Julia rank among the number of his friends?

  • 露丝三番两次地谈她的欧洲之行,她的朋友们都听腻了。Ruth talks about her trip to Europe all the time, and her friends are tired of it.

  • "威廉先生拒绝接受他朋友的劝告,暴跳如雷地离开了办公室。"Mr Williams refused his friend's advice and flounced out of the office.

  • 你暗恋过你最好的朋友的情人吗?Have you ever had a crush on your best friend's sweetie?

  • 他说,这不过是一个怀旧的朋友的问候电话,看看我近况如何。It was just a friendly call for old times' sake, he said, to find out how I was getting on.

  • 对于国民党军队,应继续采取人不犯我我不犯人的政策,尽量地发展交朋友的工作。We should continue our policy of never attacking the Kuomintang troops unless attacked and do all we can to make friends with them.

  • 假装是一位著名人物的朋友的人someone who pretends that famous people are his/her friends

  • 他利用那些有权有势的朋友帮助他走後门,到政府行政部门任职。He used his influential friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.

  • 这封信透露了他先前的朋友的心理状态。The letter threw light on the mentality of his former friend.

