我和我的老板在销售数字问题上差点发生争执。I was on a collision course with my boss over the sales figures.
大货车极限竞赛Big Rigs Over the Road Racing
对。上星期五我和老板发生了争执,当天我就辞职了。That's right. The boss and I had words last Friday, and I resigned that same day.
带有公司标志的大货车Trucks marked with the company emblem.
(大卫的诗。)耶和华阿,求你听我的祷告,留心听我的恳求,凭你的信实和公义应允我。"<a Psalm. Of David.> Let my prayer come to you, O Lord; give ear to my requests for your grace; keep faith with me, and give me an answer in your righteousness;"
每当有大货车经过时,这栋房子都会颤动。The house vibrates whenever a heavy lorry passes.
货车上的名字非常醒目。The name on the van stood out clearly.
矿工和雇主在工资问题上发生了争执。The miners were in dispute with their employers about pay.
40我必使他们像羊羔,像公绵羊和公山羊下到宰杀之地。I will bring them down like lambs to the slaughter, like rams and goats.
每当有大货车经过时,这栋房子都会颤动。The house vibrates whenever a heavy lorry passes .
高摩合成闸瓦在快速货车上的适应性Applicability of High Friction Composite Brake Shoes on Speed Freight Train
我母亲在让我和男朋友们一起出去前总是上下打量着他们。My mother always eyes my boyfriends up and down before she lets me go out with them.
警方查截一辆大货车,发现了很多走私物资。The police detained a large truck and found many smuggled goods.
公理数和公信数是物理上的区别,(要)看以何为单位、为倍数。Justice and public confidence in a few physical differences on the number, (to) see what unit of multiples.
带有公司标志的大货车;空军的徽章蓟,苏格兰的象征。Trucks marked with the company emblem; the emblemof the air force.
你能回忆伊斯坦布尔吗?球场上发生的事情令人激动和紧张,是吗?Can you remember back to Istanbul and what it was like waiting to walk out onto the pitch? Is it a mixture of excitement, nerves and tension?
在党的十三大上,我和一些老同志退出了领导核心。At the Thirteenth National Party Congress I announced that I was retiring from the core of the leadership together with some other aged comrades.
发生了一件偶然的事,使我和史朵夫的友谊更加牢固起来。An accidental circumstance cemented intimacy between Steerforth and me.
又把公牛和公绵羊的脂油、肥尾巴,并盖脏的脂油与腰子,和肝上的网子,都递给他;But the fat portions of the ox and the ram-the fat tail, the layer of fat, the kidneys and the covering of the liver
研究表明,在厢式货车上安装导流罩,可以大幅度的降低气动阻力、节省燃料消耗。Research shows that wind deflector installed on a van-body truck can reduce aerodynamic drag considerably as well as decrease fuel consumption.
我和我的老板在销售数字问题上差点发生争执。I was on a collision course with my boss over the sales figures.大货车极限竞赛Big Rigs Over the Road Racing对。上星期五我和老板发生了争执,当天我就辞职了。That's right. The bo