不要把那本书到处乱放,妈妈眼睛很尖,而你又不想让他发现。Don't leave that book about. Mother is a keen as a hawk when you don't want her to find anything.
把那只猫赶出去,我不想让它在我的房里。Put that cat out of the house. I don't want it in my room.
我本不想让你这么深地卷入这件事中来。I didn't mean to get you so much involved in the matter.
我不想让你做任何有损于我们名声的事情。I don't want you to do anything that would hurt our good name.
给小孩带上围嘴儿,我不想让他吐到他的新衣服上。Put a bib on the baby. I don't want him to spit up on his new clothes.
他不想让投机取巧者在他的政党里。He wants no members in his political party who are lust along for the ride.
我从不想让她明白说出她打算做的任何事情。I never nail her down to anything.
他可不想让他的儿子同罪犯缠在一起。He doesn't want his son to be involved with criminals.
她点了点头,“我们不想让你扰心。”She nodded. "None of us wanted to worry you."
我不想让罗杰养成不良的说话习惯。I don't want Roger to pick up any bad habits of speech.
我现在不想让任何人知道我回来了。I don't want anyone to know yet of my presence.
她不想让别人知道这种凄惨的状况。She had an object in keeping her forlorn state unknown.
我不想让你马上就这件事做出决定,只是先考虑一下。I don't want your immediate decisions about this matter. Just pause on it for some time.
说话做事要小心点,如果你不想让他生气的话。Mind your p's and q's if you don't want to annoy him!
你不想让我把你当作个害人精来对待吗?You want me to stop treating you like the vermin you are?
我的内心痛苦不安,真不想让人看到。I would inwardly squirm at the unwanted attention.
他们不想让任何人知道他们的恋情。They didn't want anyone to know about their romance.
我不想让几个临时军官的松松垮垮破坏了我的荣誉。I do not intend to have my professional reputation compromised by the slackness of a few temporary officers.
父亲对她说,他不想让她受到伤害。he told her that he didn't want her to get hurt.
不要把那本书到处乱放,妈妈眼睛很尖,而你又不想让他发现。Don't leave that book about. Mother is a keen as a hawk when you don't want her to find anything.不想indisposition把那只猫赶出去,我不想让它在我的房里。Put