
最新latest德国诗人海涅语人曰,我死时,棺中放一剑,勿放笔。The German poet, Heine, once told someone: When I die, place a sword in my coffin, not a pen.数据库或其文件或文件组的子集中所有数据的最新完整备份。The most recent

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  • 德国诗人海涅语人曰,我死时,棺中放一剑,勿放笔。The German poet, Heine, once told someone: "When I die, place a sword in my coffin, not a pen."

  • 数据库或其文件或文件组的子集中所有数据的最新完整备份。The most recent full backup of all the data in a database or in a subset of the files or filegroups of a database.

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  • 他一剑劈倒了他的对手。He hewed his opponent down with one stroke of sword.

  • 茱丽叶抓起了她的匕首,一剑刺进了自己的胸口,然后便倒在罗密欧的身上。Juliet grabbed her dagger and with one motion stabbed herself in the chest and fell on top of Romeo.

  • 完整的integrated

  • 最新的up-to-the-minute

  • 一剑劈死某人kill sb with one stroke of a sword

  • 最新消息hot news

  • 斗牛中的最后一剑moment of truth

  • 不完整的half-baked

  • 唯舞独尊only the dance reveres alone

  • 朋友你好我终于报了这一剑之仇I finally reported the enemy of this sword

  • 独尊儒术exclusive dedication to Confucianism

  • 不完整imperfect

  • 引擎一发动,我的车就给电池充电了。My car charges up the battery whenever the engine runs.

  • 最新版latest edition

  • 完整地integrallty

  • 从百家争鸣到独尊儒术From Letting a Hundred Schools Contend to Solying Respect Confucian Learning

