灯光照在他皮靴上雪亮,照在她秋叶黄的头发上暗淡无光,每当她翻过一页,胳臂上细细的肌肉颤动的时候,灯光又一晃一晃地照在纸上。The lamp-light, bright on his boots and dull on the autumn-leaf yellow of her hair, glinted along the paper as she turned a page with a flutter of slender muscles in her arms.
车子一停把她惊醒,它要转入小岔路。She was awakened by the stopping of the cart, which was about to turn up a by-lane.
让我先给你们操演一下如何驾驶这部车子。Let me demonstrate this car to you.
晃一晃把粉笔末抖落下来。Shaking will settle the chalk powder down.
你车子一公升跑多少公里?How many kilometers to a liter do you get?
晃一晃电蚊拍With the flash of an electric swatter
他回过头挥手告别,突然把车子一拐,才没撞着一只游荡的狗。He turned, waved, swerved to avoid a wandering dog.
请让我搭一下车好吗?我的汽车在修理。Can you please give me a lift? I'm afraid my car's in dock.
拿出存款证明晃一晃。Do you want to see the bankbooks for certificate of deposit or.
我的车子一到夏天就爱过热。My car tends to overheat in the summer.
车子一停把她惊醒,它要转入小岔路。She was awakened by the stopping of the cart, which was about to turn up a by-lane.
把这个缸颠倒过来,晃一晃。Turn the jar upside down and shake it.
正看着我的那个人着实让我吃了一惊。The man who was looking at me gave me quite a shock.
一只狐狸在他眼前一晃而过,象猎狗一样迅速,象猫儿一样轻巧。A fox ran across a field in front of him, as fast as a greyhound, as graceful as a cat.
这汽车看上去不错。你能让我试一试车再决定买不买吗?The car looks fine. Do you mind if I give it a whirl before I decide whether to buy it?
每次从打饭的窗口回号子,“营业部主任”都要捧着他那个印着小猫洗脸的崭新的儿童面盆,神气活现地在我面前晃一晃。Every time I went back to our room from the dinner room, the Sales Director always held his fire-new children washbowl stamped small cat washing to go over in front of me in a perky expression.
住客吃饭是不收费的。因而住客们自然都是进免费餐厅用餐。“自觉”的住客顶多向服务员晃一晃住房卡。Hotel guests have their meals free,so they naturally go to the free dining rooms to have their meals,and the most they would do to show their good faith is to wave their registration card to the waiter.
我没让我的火柴受潮,我一擦就擦着了。I had kept my matches dry and soon struck a light.
10月一个下雨的早晨,拉比为我和戴维举行了婚礼。一晃16年过去了。Sixteen years have passed since the rabbi married David and me on a rainy October morning.
二强子的眼睛瞪圆,两脚拌着蒜,东一晃西一晃的扑过来:“你卖还卖不够,还得白教祥子玩?Er Qiangzi zi was glaring and swaying on his feet. "It's bad enough selling yourself, do you have to give yourself free of charge to Xiangzi?
灯光照在他皮靴上雪亮,照在她秋叶黄的头发上暗淡无光,每当她翻过一页,胳臂上细细的肌肉颤动的时候,灯光又一晃一晃地照在纸上。The lamp-light, bright on his boots and dull on the autumn-leaf yellow of her hair, glinted along