UNICEF称,出现了历史上最少的低于五岁儿童死亡的数目。UNICEF says a record low number of children are dying before the age of five.
什么事情是最可怕,最恶心的事情呢?What was the most horrible, sickening thing of all?
拿破仑是历史上最有能力的将军之一。Napoleon was one of the most capable generals in history.
朵莉:但这是我看过最恶心的喜剧。DOLLY: But it was the most disgusting comedy I've ever seen.
我们的军队历史上是由各个山头、五湖四海集中起来的。Historically,our army was formed on the basis of a number of "mountain strongholds",with comrades hailing from all corners of the country.
什么事情是最可怕,最恶心的事情呢?What was the most horrible, sickening thing of all?
历史上,发菜曾是进奉皇帝的贡品。In the past, long thread moss was offered to emperors as a tribute.
这一点我很清楚,人类历史上并不经常出现一些铁血柔情式的人物。I am well aware of that, not often in the story of mankind has a man arrived on earth who is both steel and velvet, who is as hard as rock, and soft as drifting fog.
这是历史上最有生气的时代。This is a dynamic period in history.
皇帝驾崩标志着该国历史上一个时代的结束。The death of the emperor marked the end of an epoch in the country's history.
历史上最不合格的两次MVP获得者。The most undeserving two time MVP winner in sports history.
对于历史上的事件,当时的报道往往比现代历史学家的评述更为有趣。Contemporary reports of the past events are often more interesting than modern historians' view of them.
中国历史上,曾经有很多皇帝前往泰山封禅。Many emperors in Chinese history offered sacrifices to heaven and earth on Mount Tai.
希拉里成为 美国历史上第一位不但参选-----而且赢得----参议员席位的总统夫人。she became the first spouse of a president to run for--- let alone win---a seat in the U.S. Senate.
目前这个时期是我们党和我们国家的历史上的一个重大转折时期。The current period represents a momentous turning point in the history of our Party and state.
菲尼克斯队正在向成为NBA历史上第八支在1:3落后的情况下而成功反盘的球队迈进。Phoenix is on the brink of becoming the eighth team in NBA playoff history to come back from a 3-1 deficit to advance.
下一个大泡泡:如何在历史上最大的牛市中获利The Next great Bubble Boom: How to Profit from the Greatest Boom in History
UNICEF称,出现了历史上最少的低于五岁儿童死亡的数目。UNICEF says a record low number of children are dying before the age of five.什么事情是最可怕,最恶心的事情呢?What was the most horrible, sickening thing of all?最most拿