坦率地讲,我不是真正喜欢你,我容你的来访,只是因为你是的我女儿的朋友。Not to mince words, I don't really like you and tolerate your presence only because you're my daughter's friend.
虽然我女儿的朋友经常跷课,她可是每天都上学。Although some of my daughter's friends cut class a lot, she is at school everyday.
好朋友good friend
中文翻译:4。兰心,谢谢你。5。我在这段投票时期所新认识的朋友们,谢谢!All the friends I gained during this polling period, thank you.
我们很担忧,我们的女儿交上一个不三不四的朋友。We are so worried; our daughter has made friends with a very bad egg.
坦率地讲,我不是真正喜欢你,我容你的来访,只是因为你是的我女儿的朋友。Not to mince words, I don't really like you and tolerate your presence only because you're my daughter's friend.
露丝三番两次地谈她的欧洲之行,她的朋友们都听腻了。Ruth talks about her trip to Europe all the time, and her friends are tired of it.
他的朋友是个思想高尚的人。His friend is a man of noble mind.
在之后的4年中,凯尔和我成了最要好的朋友。Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.
他说,这不过是一个怀旧的朋友的问候电话,看看我近况如何。It was just a friendly call for old times' sake, he said, to find out how I was getting on.
他利用那些有权有势的朋友帮助他走後门,到政府行政部门任职。He used his influential friends to help him get into the civil service by the back door.
我上大学去了。那时我的朋友全都找到了收入不错的工作。I went to college. Meanwhile, all my friends got well-paid jobs.
承包合同批给了总会计师的朋友,(可谓)各有好处、串通一气。The contract went to a friend of the chief accountant: it's (a case of) you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours.
当托尼和他的朋友们见面时,他问道: "怎么样?你们去看电影吗?""What's up?" asked Tony as he joined his friends. "Are you going to the movies?"
我们的日程安排中要做的下一件事是给我们的朋友打电话。The next thing on our schedule is to telephone our friends.
我对是否离开伦敦一事拿不定主意;伦敦有我的朋友,但是国外那份工作非常好。I was in two minds about leaving London: my friends were there, but the job abroad was a good one.
不要让你的朋友向你转发那些无聊的玩笑、性知识问答和电子信件链接。Discourage your friends from forwarding those tiresome joke lists,sex quizzes,and chain e mails.
雷诺太太用这种口吻继续对她的朋友数落了几乎一小时。In this strain Mrs. Trenor continued for nearly an hour to admonish her friend.
朋友friend坦率地讲,我不是真正喜欢你,我容你的来访,只是因为你是的我女儿的朋友。Not to mince words, I don't really like you and tolerate your presence only because you're my daughter's friend.女儿的daughterly虽