技巧啦啦操Skilled cheerleading
啦啦啦。星期二,la la la. Tues- day
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦。Sha la la la la la la la.
啦啦操的概述与编排An Outline of LaLa Drilling and Its Setting
星期二,啦啦啦。星期三。Tues-day, la la la. Wednes-day.
啦啦宝贝:你会因此成名吗?Cheerleading: Will It Make You Popular?
啦啦,洗濯之后就把它们晒干。A, la, I wash them, and then I dry them.
6月1日,孩子们都被招待免费观看电影。The children were treated to movies on June 1.
啦啦啦啦啦啦啦。我们是好朋友。La la la la la la la. We're good friends.
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孩子们奔跑着,劈里啦啦地放玩具枪。The children were running about,popping off their toy guns.
她以当学校啦啦对队队长而自豪。She is proud that she is the cheerleader of the school.
星期日,啦啦啦。星期一,啦啦啦。Sun-day, la la la. Mon-day, la la la.
户外正起风,刮得园子里几棵高高的老树光秃秃的枝桠嘎啦啦响。A wind was springing up outside, making the tall old trees in the garden creak their leafless boughs.
户外正起风,刮得园子里几棵高高的老树光秃秃的枝桠嘎啦啦响。A wind was springing up outside, making the tall old trees in the garden creak their leafless boughs.
自1997年喀啦啦邦人开始使用手机,电话的覆盖率就不断扩大。But starting in 1997 mobile phones were introduced in Kerala.
啦啦看了看说:“是的,是我的!”鸭子说:“给你!”把牙齿给了啦啦。"Yes it is!" The duck gives the tooth to Lala and says, "Here you are!
不要烦我啦,你们大家这样一哄我,搞得我晕头转向啦。Let me alone. I don't know whether I'm on my head or my heels when you all start on me like this.
啦啦操运动cheerleading技巧啦啦操Skilled cheerleading啦啦啦。星期二,la la la. Tues- day啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦。Sha la la la la la la la.啦啦操的概述与编排An Outline of LaLa Drilling and Its Setting星期二,啦啦啦。星期三。Tues-