夏天真好,蝉儿欢跃,街上到处都是漂亮的男生和女生。The summer is come, and the cicada bug's are singing loudly. The streets are filled with good looking boys and girls.
在大部分高校,男生和女生住在相同的宿舍里。In most universities, males and females live in the same dorm.
她必定是双性恋,因麽她男生和女生两者同时迷上。She must be bi because she is attracted to both men and women.
提供所有与你在一起打扑克的人的详细资料,如姓名,别名等,来促进这个调查.All the poker player details, name, DOB and alias, whom you play with in the same communitycircle to further this investigation.
夏天真好,蝉儿欢跃,街上到处都是漂亮的男生和女生。The summer is come, and the cicada bug's are singing loudly. The streets are filled with good looking boys and girls.
来和我们一起打扑克牌。Come and play cards with us.
在一起in harness
刚开始,他会有群体式的约会,就是几个男生几个女生一起约出去。At first they might have group dat i with several boys and girls together.
打扑克play cards
夏天真好,蝉儿欢悦,街上到处都是漂亮的男生和女生。The summer came, and the cicada bugs were singing loudly. The streets were filled with boys and girls wearing pretty cloths.
现在,他可以和杰克·尼科尔森和舍维·蔡斯一起打高尔夫球;He golfs with Jack Nicholson and Chevy Chase;
球迷们唱着歌,呷着热饮料、打扑克,挨挨挤挤,互相拥作一团。The devotees sing, sip warm drinks, play cards and huddle together.
你班有多少男生和女生?How many boys and girls are there in your class?
结果表明:每人每日钙、维生索A、B_2、尼克酸和女生的热量、蛋白质摄入量均不足。The results showed that each of whom daily intakes of Calciu- m, Vitamin A, Vitamin B_2, Niacin and the amount of energy, Protein in the girl students were inadequate.
他对打扑克着了迷。He was queer for poker.
有时他们在一起打桥牌。Sometimes they played bridge together.
联谊会和女生联谊会或校内其他团体常在学期开始时主办一次多少有点公开性质的交谊舞会。A "mixer" is a more-or-less public dance often held at the beginning of a semester by a fraternity, sorority, or some other campus group.
他在与朋友打扑克。He is playing poker with his friends.
谁愿意与我们一起打桥牌?Who will join us in a game of bridge?
他打个结把两根绳子系在一起。He tied the two ropes together with a knot.
夏天真好,蝉儿欢跃,街上到处都是漂亮的男生和女生。The summer is come, and the cicada bug's are singing loudly. The streets are filled with good looking boys and girls.在大部分高校,男生和女生住在相同的宿舍里。In most